Zombie79's Comments

@ just a guy

So, we couldn't just farm additional kidneys by promoting this defect through transplanting the organs from people who have developed additional organs?
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But, an excess of organs - while cool because they are important organs - is a genetic defect right? So if she donates those kidneys then wouldn't the genetic defect be passed over?

@ schnitzelboi - well, you could make the website yourself, be it's founder!
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Actually Jerse it has a lot to do with kids starving on the other side of the world. We're all connected, what we do to one other person resonates around the globe. By wasting this much food the artist is making a bold statement by saying that one, he doesn't care about people who don't have enough to eat; and two, that conspicuous consumption is acceptable.

This isn't a cool picture, it's a mirror of the Western attitude that wasting resources is perfectly alright.
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So, he's a guy with no talent trying to be clever. How many hungry people could have been fed with those bananas he's wasting? How many young kids are going to be getting up in the morning and going to school without a meal in their belly because their family can't afford the food? How many homeless are sorting through a garbage bin trying to find scraps of food?

Sorry, this is not art. I spent twelve years in art school and I got really sick of these people pulling stunts like this which are completely meaningless. He needs to pull his head out of his own ass and do something that will actually mean something to someone else, not shove a waste of food into everyones faces some of whom might be starving.
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You know, due to kidney problems I've been told by doctors that I really had to avoid animal protein. In other words, I had to become a vegetarian. This is something I've been struggling with as I've always been a carnivore at heart.

....but, after seeing that picture, I don't think I'll be having anymore cravings.
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Sounds like she gave the kid what his parents are unable to give - a good chewing out. There was nothing bad in what she said. In fact, she was extremely polite about it. The little brat deserved a hell of a lot more than what she said on the phone.
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Wow, it is remarkable that most of you seem .... quite willing to spit on this guy without understanding what he's been through. If the service animal was a dog would you feel different? I would bet that if this article read his dog was banned from the gym most of you would be saying the opposite. The fact that he's a vet from a war most of you are probably openly against doesn't really help him out either I'm wagering.

Really folks, you need to go and speak with a war vet - pick your war, any one will do because they're all the same hell holes. It's not what your fantasies concoct after watching a movie and listening to media news reports. People go to war and even if they come back physically ... they don't always come back with souls and hearts intact. I've seen a few generations of my family suffer mentally when they've come back from war. My grandfather with the Great War down to my cousins and friends with the Iraq war. If any of them were helped out by a simple cat, dog, bird, monkey, or f**king worm I would fight tooth and nail for them to be able to carry that comfort with them wherever they went.

And here's what that comfort means to someone like Ward: his cat, Wendy, doesn't pass judgment on him. Go back and reread the vitriol in your own remarks. You'll see that passing judgment is all you seem to be able to do.
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I hear everyone screaming about democracy and that smokers should have a right to smoke. Well, I won't argue that they do have a right to smoke. But in a public place it shouldn't be allowed.

I'm an asthmatic - a very severe one. I'm dependent on inhalers and oxygen to live and the only thing that triggers an attack is smoke. That includes smoke drifting from an extinguished candle, so you can imagine what getting caught by a smoker standing on the sidewalk could do to me. Now, normally if I can't avoid the smoker (say we're line together, or we're both waiting for a bus) I just approach and ask nicely, explaining my situation and showing them all the gear I have to carry. I've never met a smoker in public who wasn't kind enough to stop or move to another place once they understood that for me, that second hand smoke was potentially fatal. I wish I was being overly dramatic about it, but I'm not. The recent firestorms here in San Diego put me in the hospital due to the smoke and ash in the air.

So, you talk about freedom and democracy - but what about my right to live? Does a smoker have the right to risk my life because of their addiction? The Constitution doesn't specifically state that smoking is a protected right, but it does guarantee me the right to life.
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The biggest reason the fear develops in childhood is that at a young age (and even into the teens) kids are not often able to read facial expressions correctly. The painted facial expression is heavily exaggerated and kids who may not be able to interrupt normal expressions could be frightened by such a display.

The woman on the video is pretty brave, she's facing her fear and seeking help to overcome it. Good for her!
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