I don't think Ted is threatened by anyone - Sorry Ted I know you can speak for yourself and I do think you should think before you type. Your generalizations were inconsiderate at best. However, I understand your need to equate them to other devises for women that you consider useless. Not being a woman it would be hard for you to see the concerns in the same light but in the future please try - not for your sake but for ours.
I will admit that I am jealose of men being able to stand and not pee on their feet. This device was not created to help women feel like men - it was created because of situations such as unsanitary public restrooms and camping. I saw the inventer on TV talking about it years ago on some good morning broadcast. Let's face it - squatting to pee is messing business and inaccurate at best. I am certain that use of this device does not mitgate the need for tissue. Now when they solve that with the P-mate then I'll spend my precious money on it. Otherwise I think it is a cute idea that I will not buy. And if I am so inclined to need one I will cut out a piece of cardboard and make one.
I will admit that I am jealose of men being able to stand and not pee on their feet. This device was not created to help women feel like men - it was created because of situations such as unsanitary public restrooms and camping. I saw the inventer on TV talking about it years ago on some good morning broadcast. Let's face it - squatting to pee is messing business and inaccurate at best. I am certain that use of this device does not mitgate the need for tissue. Now when they solve that with the P-mate then I'll spend my precious money on it. Otherwise I think it is a cute idea that I will not buy. And if I am so inclined to need one I will cut out a piece of cardboard and make one.
Happy debating! :)