JohnJ's Comments

In the town I grew up in, on Long Island, we had a program called P.A.V.E.S. that was run by the city's child services office. I don't remember the full name but Paid and Volunteer where in there.

Basically, when a young person wanted work, they would sigh up with P.A.V.E.S. an list what they where interested in doing. My brothers and I listed snow shoveling and lawn mowing. Others might list baby sitting, dog walking or any number of other skills a young person might have. In the summertime, it was not unusual to see a kid riding his bicycle while pulling along a lawnmower.

Then, when a town's person needed yard work done, they would call the P.A.V.E.S. office and in turn, P.A.V.E.S. would call us with the details. Then, off we'd go! We'd make a reasonable hourly rate for the time, often setting up regular appointments. It was certainly less expensive then professional help, and the kids would earn more then just a pay-check.

It was a great program for the kids that instilled confidence, self-worth and self-reliance, among others, and it also peripherally benefited the elderly in town who could no longer do everything for themselves. The program itself cost next to nothing to administrate and created an all important vetting process for the safety of the young people who took advantage of the program.

I really do hope programs like this still exist out there.
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So what if the poster got the specifics about available work for a 12 year old wrong!

I think, and correct me if I am wrong original commenter, that what was being suggested, in essence, is that in a years time, through the parents and with the Judge's help, some kind of solution could have been found to carry out the sentence in such a way that this child, who clearly has discipline/authority issues, will benefit the most from the court order.

Court judgements aren't just blanket punishments. They are meant, as justice for the victim, and to further deter those found guilty. This is a child of 12 with prior delinquency charges. He clearly has issues. None the least of which is likely his parents ability/skill to get through to the kid. Throwing a judgement in his lap and expecting him to comply was never going to get the job done done. If this kid is going to get out of the system, it's going to take a team effort.

I mean, come on, this kid couldn't be remanded to weekly or even monthly meetings with a state social worker at DHS where, while being helped to fulfill his sentence, a trained child and family skills advocate could at least attempt to to make the sentence work for the kid and his parents in the most beneficial way?

.....Puleeze! ;)
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Oh Man! He's gotta have a big salad! And none of that having 2 small salads is the same, crap! Also, will there be Kenny Rodger's Chicken?
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Here's the thing I've been thinking a lot about lately - and I can ONLY speak for myself related to my local experience: cars can't maneuver like a bike.

I can't make my 2 1/2 tone truck just instantly alter it's trajectory when a cyclist decides to ride the white line (in my door-line) and swerve. I cant drive the left side of the road because cyclists want to ride next to each other and, so on and so on.

The cyclists in my area (NH) are unbelievable. I want to share the road. I think it's cool when I see the guys all geared out on a long ride for training or just for fun. But almost across the board, the bikers in my area routinely behave as if they own the road.

There's got to be some kind of public awareness program or something that will help "those" cyclists realize what they are doing because they are making it impossible for every one else.

As a car driver, I REALLY want to do my part to share the road but it HAS TO BE a two-way street.
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@An0n - totally agree. Nail on the head.
@number1guy - No, I don't know. Please, tell me who constitutes this majority of leeches within the welfare receiving population.
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Joyner's work is wonderful. If you look closely at each his robot paintings, you'll see a robot eating a doughnut. Lower middle-right in the painting above.
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Has anyone else noticed that lately the Russians are bringing the cute? First the Japanese kicked our buts with Superior Cute Entertainment®, now the Russians are at it!
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