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But I Wanted Showdare!

Maybe it's just me, but I want to know if they taste different depending on how the chef pronounces them.

Link Via That's Nerdalicious

Two New York Gentlemen Hailing a Taxi

It's a dog eat dog world out there, but thankfully these gentlemen still know how to treat each other with respect, as Ron Senkowski filmed in New York City. There's no discernible audio in the video clip above, but I assume the two gents were saying "You go first", "No, you sir, go first. I inisist" and so on and so forth.

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Animal New York

Inside the Cockpit of the Space Shuttle Endeavour

Photo: Ben Cooper/Launch Photography

I was locked inside the NeatoWarehouse yesterday and couldn't find my way out of the maze that is made of hundreds of new Halloween items, so I didn't get a chance to post about the Space Shuttle Endeavour arriving in Southern California. But surely you guys already know all about it.

From the looks of it, everybody and their uncle have got photos of space shuttle on top of the Boeing 747 flying around California, but not everyone has got these gorgeous photos of the cockpit of Endeavour, all lit up for one last flight, except Ben Cooper of Launch Photography.

Take a look and weep: Link - via Metafilter

Stop Working and Love Me!

(YouTube link)

Cats are very good with body language. And they operate on the premise that it's always fine to ask for, or rather demand, what you want. -via Buzzfeed

Enormous, Amazingly Detailed Mouse House

Inspired by the Brambly Hedge series of children's books, Maddie Chambers made this house for its murine characters. This picture doesn't do it justice; every item in every room is perfectly crafted in miniaturized detail. You can view more photos at the link.

Link -via Craft

Would You Like to Snuggle with Thor and Loki?

I'm more of a Hulk man myself, but if you've dreamed of cuddling both Thor and Loki at the same time, then here is good news for you. Pascalle Lepas made a snuggy that lets you live the fantasy.

Link -via The Mary Sue

Marines Swap out a Car Engine in 42 Seconds

(Video Link

In this clip from the old TV show Record Breakers, five Royal Marines turned on and off the engine of a Ford Escort, took it out, put a new one in, then drove the car ten meters. just 42 seconds.

-via Yababoon

Living Large in a Tiny House

We've posted about living in cramped spaces before on Neatorama, but I love how one family learned that they could actually live large by living in a tiny house:

Hari and Karl Berzins decided to build a tiny home for their family in Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains to free themselves of the financial burden of owning a large home.
They knew that moving two children, a dog and a cat into a 168-square foot space would be a challenge, though it would also eliminate the need for a mortgage and cut their utility costs.

But they didn't expect it to completely change their lives, Hari Berzins said. [...]

"Living mortgage-free has given us the freedom to make decisions based on what will make us happy, not what we have to do to pay the mortgage," Berzins said in a CNN iReport.

The Berzins are part of a small contingent of homeowners who have found solace living in less than 500 square feet. Many of them live in homes built on trailers so they can move around; others, like the Berzins, live on property they own. Others live in Cob homes built of clay and mica. Some are motivated by a desire to lessen their carbon footprint while others want to own a home without worrying about property taxes.

Emanuella Grinberg has more over at CNN: Link

The Puppiest Puppy

(YouTube link)

ModPrimate and Whitney adopted a American Pit Bull Terrier/Boxer mix. The new puppy is pretty happy to have a home and a family and lots of toys to play with. Ecstatic, actually. He's four months old in the video. By next year, he'll be the size of a house! -via I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet

Man Flattened by Falling Mattress

Jesse Scott Owen was new to New York City, but the 18-year-old got a big city experience Tuesday when a mattress fell off the roof of a building and landed on him. Owen was walking along Broad Street when the falling futon knocked him out cold.

“This was the most absurd thing that ever happened to me,” he told the Daily News.

Owen, who moved to the city three weeks ago from Florida to attend King’s College in lower Manhattan, said he was on his way to a class when he suddenly lost consciousness.

“I woke up and people were putting me on the mattress,” he said. “I asked where the mattress came from and they said, ‘You were knocked out by it.’ ”

Passers-by tended to him until emergency workers arrived. Owen was taken to a hospital with a sprained neck and a possible herniated disc. But he managed to Tweet about the experience. The mattress had fallen from the rooftop spa of the Setai Wall Street, about 30 stories up. Link -via Arbroath

Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind

(YouTube link)

Some of these you've heard before, but some may be new to you. You'll have to listen carefully, as these amazing facts go pretty fast! -via Geeks Are Sexy

Grenade Thrown onto Soccer Field, Player Casually Throws It Back Right before It Explodes

(Video Link

Wow. Soccer fans are hardcore. We'd expect this kind of thing in cricket. But soccer? In a match between a Saudi team and an Iranian team, one Iranian player found a grenade on the field. He threw it away and it promptly exploded:

Watch as Sepahan midfielder Adel Kolahkaj (40) casually tosses the small explosive off the field as though it were a stray beanbag. But the instant it hits the ground, it blows up, sending the stunned players and officials running for cover.

Link -via Yababoon

The Best Word Ever

I've had all my money on Kerfuffle, but it wasn't meant to be.

Ted McCagg of Questionable Skills blog has pitted words against words to find out the Best Word Ever, and the winner has emerged (see above). Explore the past battles in his blog: Best Word Ever The Final Four, The Elite Eight, The Final 32 - via The Daily What

Napping with a Friend

(YouTube link)

The cat is just trying to get comfortable. I think he eventually succeeded. -via The Daily What

From Death Comes Life

Photo: Ireena Eleonora Worthy/Flickr

Photographer Ireena Niewenhuis-Worthy snapped this gorgeous photo of a tree that grew out of a dead log in the waters of Fairy Lake, British Columbia, Canada. It's remarkable in that ol' circle-of-life sort of way, where the death of one tree gives live to another.

Link - via Twisted Sifter and reddit

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