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Einstein vs. Darth Vader

"The Force? I see your F=ma and raise you E=mc2"

Watch Albert Einstein take on Darth Vader in this short clip by Patrick Boivin (previously on Neatorama) over at Geeks Are Sexy: Link [embedded YouTube clips]

Think You Can Play Dance Dance Revolution?

You can play Dance Dance Revolution, you say? Not like this dude, you can't! Watch as a Japanese man (or is he a cyborg?) named Takaske plays DDR on two pads: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Kotaku

Brainteaser: Book on the Floor

Old Jay held up a Bathroom Reader and said, "I'll bet you I can place this book on the floor and none of you will be able to jump over it."

Brian replied, "I'll take your bet, but you're not allowed to put the book underneath anything like a desk or a chair."

Jay agreed to the terms. He placed the book on the floor -not under anything- and still won the bet. How?

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Lighting Up the Night

The town of Contamana, Peru, has a hospital, but it has no emergency equipment. It also has an airstrip, but it doesn't operate a night because there are no lights. But Wednesday night, a woman and her newborn baby needed emergency medical help. So did a teenager with a tropical disease. How could the medevac plane take off in the dark? A plea for help went out over the local radio station.

Their lights blaring in the night, hundreds of taxis lined an unlit airstrip in a jungle region of Peru so an emergency medevac plane with three very sick patients could take off.

All three survived after the 300-odd drivers of motorcycles fashioned into small taxis with compartments for passengers heeded a call Wednesday night from a radio station to race to the 800-meter airstrip in Contamana, in one of Peru's poorest regions, Peruvian media reported Thursday.

Link  -via Arbroath

(Image credit: BBC News Video)

A Garden under the Stairs

BM Studio, an architectural duo in Escondido, California, designed this beautiful and practical garden. Why not make use of good growing space under a staircase?

Link -via Gardens in Unexpected Places | Architects' Website


Your nightmare, explained. This comic is from the Toronto artist who calls himself Lunarbaboon. Link  -via Sofa Pizza

Update Your Résumé

While these claims are technically true, they don't stand up well to further questioning at job interviews or first dates. But let me defend the artist in Reza Farazmand's cartoon: she's actually generating revenue.

Link -via Daily of the Day

Simon Draws the Kitten

(YouT7ube link)

What do you know -we finally get a Simon Tofield video featuring Simon Tofield! In this animation, Tofield shows us how to draw his new kitten, which he obviously adores. The kitten is featured in Tofield's latest book, Simon's Cat in Kitten Chaos. Link  -via Tastefully Offensive

Happy First Contact Day!

April 5th is the day celebrated as the day that humans first contacted aliens -except that won't happen until 50 years from now, and then only in the Star Trek universe. Maybe.

According to Star Trek lore, April 5, 2063 was the day that washed-up, cantankerous old nutter Zefram Cochrane proved he wasn’t so washed-up after all, though he was exactly as cantankerous as he seemed. Cochrane (with a little help from the time-displaced crew of the Enterprise-D) piloted the first warp flight from Earth, attracting the attention of a passing Vulcan ship and alerting human beings to life on other planets for the first time.

The greeting of the day: Live long, and prosper! Link

Learn more at Memory Alpha. Link

Dog Rescued by Cows

A border collie named Harley went missing for six freezing nights in the countryside near Aberdeen, Scotland, during a visit to Grandpa's farm. Her owner Leyonee Donald contacted police and made appeals online for the dog's return, but was almost resigned to the fact that Harley was lost forever. Then on Tuesday, her father called and asked her to come pick up her dog at the farm.

“So we rushed back, and there she was. She’d got herself on top of a large stack of hay bales and fallen through a hole which had taken her right down to the bottom and she was trapped.

“My dad had found her while he was seeing his cows on Tuesday morning. They were really restless and mooing a lot.

“Animals have amazing instincts and they were all pointing towards the hay bales so my dad thought Harley might be around there and started shouting for her.

“He heard this tiny little bark and he then realised Harley was trapped between the bales.

Harley was retrieved from the hay and checked out by a vet, who declared the dog in good shape.
Link  -via Arbroath

(Image credit: SWNS)

Odin at the Table

(YouTube link)

I think the original goal here was to create the illusion of a dog-headed person eating at the table with utensils and probably an overdubbed monolog. It turned out to be a lesson in how much dogs like peanut butter. And the videographer's laughter is better than any monolog they may have come up with! -via Metafilter

Bubba Watson's Hovercraft Golf Cart

(YouTube link)

A hovercraft is great for golf because 1. it beats walking, 2. it won't damage the course like a regular cart, and 3. it's really cool. And from what I've seen, a big part of golf is one-upping the other players. -Thanks, Brian!

Moondog Over Alaska

Photo: Sebastian Saarloos

It was 10 degrees below zero, with 30 mph winds in the Alaskan wild, where the nearest town was 50 miles away, but Sebastian Saarloos came out alive and with this gorgeous souvenir: a magnificent photograph of a moondog.

In this image, the first quarter moon is flanked on both sides of a halo by "mock moons," also known as paraselenae or "moondogs." The apparitions are formed when moonlight is refracted through thin, plate-shaped ice crystals in cirrus clouds. They are easy to spot at an angle of 22 degrees from the moon when it is low in the sky. has the story: Link

Jumpy's Tricks

(YouTube link)

Dog trainer Omar Muller shows of what Australian shepherd Jumpy can do. Is there anything beyond the talents of this intelligent, strong, and fearless dog? -via Daily Picks and Flicks

The Best Easter Cake of 2013

Jen Yates of Cake Wrecks has declared it. The famous visage of Grumpy Cat got rendered into an Easter bunny cake by Julie Freund. Sweet! Link

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