Blog Posts Dewey Likes

As the Twig is Bent, So Is the Tree Inclined

I can respect this open-minded approach to parenting. Still, I think that a little nudge in the right direction can help a child make the right decision.

Alternatively, you can nudge them in the wrong direction so that when they rebel as teenagers, they'll end up making the right choice.


Star Wars Sushi

Ewoks look so cute that I want to just eat them up! LydMc's sushi Ewoks also look great. She made her Sushiwoks with avocado, basil leaves, seaweed, smoked salmon and yams. LydMc also made Ewok kiwifruit, or what she calls Kiwoks. You can see them at the link.

Link -via Obvious Winner

Amazing! How to Create Ice Instantly

(Video Link)

Grant Thompson calls his technique "waterbending." He uses it to instantly turn water into ice. The trick is to pour liquid water that is nearly--but not quite--crystallized onto ice. Contact with the ice triggers a visually stunning reaction.

-via Daily of the Day

This Man Invented the Plastic Pink Flamingo. He and His Wife Have Worn Matching Outfits for the Past 35 Years.

Donald Featherstone, an artist, is most famous for inventing the plastic pink flamingo lawn ornament. But people who know him and his wife Nancy well think of them as an incredibly close and romantic couple. For the past 35 years, they've worn matching outfits everywhere they go. Mrs. Featherstone writes:

Whoever gets there first gets to choose what we're wearing. It's not a stampede, though; we're both amenable to the other's choice. If we're going to a party, we'll discuss what to wear like any other couple, except the difference is we want to look the same. Someone once told me that if she and her husband came down wearing the same colour top, they'd change. What a shame to be so insecure. We both have very strong identities as individuals and wearing the same clothes doesn't affect this; clothes don't make your personality. Instead, dressing the same gives me a lovely feeling of closeness to Donald. I've never not felt like doing it; we've done it for so long now that it would feel unnatural not to.

Donald used to have to travel for business and when I packed his case, I'd tell him which outfit to wear on which day, so we coordinated even though we were apart. It helped us feel connected to each other. But his boss realised Donald was much more productive if I came along, too, so I'd help out at the conventions. It was good for business, because people would seek out our stall year after year to see what we were wearing.

We don't like to be apart. Donald proposed on our first date and we've been together almost all the time since. If you want to do things by yourself, why get married? Why have separate hobbies? We never argue – Donald says he learned long ago to say, "Yes, dear", but in fact it's because we have a strong foundation. Being with him is never an effort. [...]

All it is is a positive reflection of the nature of our relationship. We're a matched set.

Link -via VA Viper

(Photo: Webb Chappell/The Guardian)

221B Baker Street: The Cosplay

Enough with the TARDIS cosplay already, bring on more set cosplay from other great British shows, like this 221B Baker Street cosplay based on BBCs Sherlock.

Link Via Fashionably Geek

Even Baby Horses Need A Teddy Bear

(Video Link)

Breeze somehow lost his mother when he was only a few days old. While the Mare and Foal Sanctuary of Devon County, England was able to help nurse him back to health, they still couldn't provide the warmth and comfort Breeze's mother would ordinarily offer to the colt. They could, however, provide him with a teddy bear that he could cuddle with -and the replacement works. Little Breeze now cuddles up with his bear friend every night before bed.

Via Pets Lady

Thor Prancercising

Everybody's prancercising. Even the son of Odin. Here's how Thor stays in supreme physical shape: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | Ryan Frye Thor's FB page - via Fashionably Geek

The Tiniest of the Tiniest Deer

What's cuter than one of the world's smallest deer? A baby of one of the world's smallest deer. This adorable fellow here is a Southern Pudu recently born at Nordens Ark in Sweden. Even when he's full grown, he'll still only weigh around 25 pounds.


This Little Piggy Must Choose Between Love and Breakfast

(Video Link)

Sometimes it doesn't matter whether the chicken or the egg came first. Sometimes it only matters which one we love the most. In this video, the chicken is certainly the most important choice.

Via Laughing Squid

Baby Names from Nature

Yeah, I definitely should have gone with Dragonhunter and Hellbender for my daughters.

Compressed Flapwort? That's so terrible that I can see it becoming popular. Bird and Moon may have done more harm than good by publishing this comic.

Link -via It's Okay to Be Smart

These Cats Have Proved They're Ready For A Pet

(Video Link)

Having a pet is a big responsibility, which is why it is usually a good idea to make your kids prove they are ready for that kind of commitment. Here, Shorty and Kodi prove that they are prepared to take on the challenge by taking their new toy kitten for a walk. I can't wait to see what responsible pet owners they will become later on.

Via Cute Overload

Ants Ring Woman's Doorbell

Who's been ringing a 75-year-old woman's doorbell in the middle of the night? Here's the strangest story of ding dong ditch you'll read today:

An elderly woman in Germany who heard her doorbell rung repeatedly late at night naturally called the cops. Although it seemed like the work of a prankster, officers uncovered a much smaller culprit: ants.

Police in Offenburg responded when the 75-year-old woman made a desperate call at 3 a.m. on Wednesday, the German news magazine Focus reported. But when they arrived, officers didn’t find anyone at the door. On closer inspection they found that ants had built such a large nest that it was pressing the doorbell components together to make it ring.

Link (Photo: Steve Jurvetson/Flickr)

2-Year Old and His Dad Play "Don't Let Me Down" by The Beatles

(Video Link)

This toddler is almost ready to go professional. Watch him and his dad perform a powerful cover of John Lennon and Paul McCartney's "Don't Let Me Down."

-via Blame It on the Voices

Happy Sundog

(Video Link)

Enjoy the most relaxing day of the week with this adorable video of French bulldog puppies playing and frolicking. You're welcome.

Via I Can Has Cheezburger

The K-9 Poodle Skirt

When Crafty Lil' Thing's daughter wanted to participate in the costume contest at her school's sock hop, she insisted on wearing a poodle skirt inspired by Doctor Who. Originally, she asked her mother to make one with a Dalek, but then she realized there was nothing more suitable for a poodle skirt than K-9.


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