Does President Morales think he is greater than God? Genesis 1 says we are to take dominion over the Earth and subdue it (though we ought to be responsible in doing so).
My own theory is that the taste of a meat depends on how fr from the surface of the earth it grew. Tall animals are beefy. Short animals taste like chicken. Seafood all has a similar taste. The most variety seems to be in the mid size animals; goat, lamb, pig, etc.
So evolution is based in part on survival of the fittest, right? Some bright fish climbs onto land and evolves into a mammal because it is more fit, then crawls back into the sea, because it turns out that's really more fit. Was there a mistake in evolution, or is evolution the mistake?
This is classic cause-effect reversal. They don't have loud, deep calls because they have large territories. They have large territories because of their loud, deep calls.
Diagonally parked in a parallel universe (med)
Paddle faster Med
Diagonally parked in a parallel universe. M