College is for most a huge waste of time and money, so what possible difference could if make if some goofy professor wants to breastfeed during class?
" A system designed to divert more and more of the nation’s aggregate wealth to the top few percent of citizens is hardly something that should be tolerated."
Natey, wealth can be,and is created. It isn't something that necessarily has to be taken from someone in order for another to have it. Successful entrepreneurs create jobs which create wealth and prosperity for others.
“It seems that even if people believe they have just the tiniest of chances to become the next Bill Gates, it’s enough to keep them tolerant of obvious inequality,”
Is it possible that some people might simply be content with who they are and what they have? I am happy with my lot in life, and I don't care how much money Bill Gates has. How boring a perfectly fair society would be, IF such a thing were possible.
44 percent of registered voters say Tyler should be proud, 48 percent say he should be ashamed and 8 percent say the government has no business telling him he has to go to school at all.
wealth can be,and is created. It isn't something that necessarily has to be taken from someone in order for another to have it. Successful entrepreneurs create jobs which create wealth and prosperity for others.
Is it possible that some people might simply be content with who they are and what they have? I am happy with my lot in life, and I don't care how much money Bill Gates has. How boring a perfectly fair society would be, IF such a thing were possible.
Has anything changed? Gibson has been crazy for quite some time now, I believe, so I would expect a performance on par with his earlier work.
Careful, hgernhardt, you might hurt Zeon's feelings. ;)
I love Neatorama precisely because it doesn't do politically hot issues. Why would you want to mess up that?