I'm a painter. I do some portraiture as well as history with some landscape and still life thrown in for fun. I work in oil and in a somewhat Baroque style in all but my portrait paintings. This is why I get so worked up about the art posts. Sorry about that. :)
Anyway, with all the attention to detail given to rendering whatever finds it's way onto a canvass I get fatigued from time to time. A quick diversion like this is just the thing, especially for an ADD type like myself.
Happy to help! Netorama is my favorite spot to take my microbreaks; I do lots of non-repetitive, detailed work, so backing away and returning a minute or two later really helps me to get a fresh look and spot my errors. This site can be counted on for plenty of fun, innocuous and interesting content. Thanks!
Pencil me in for Half-Caf most days and Decaf when it's cloudy.
When I was in college there was a mom and pop coffee shop just off campus called Clara's Coffee. They employed students who had a bad habit of getting high on their own supply. The Double Espresso owl reminds me of them.
All that work for a can of corn syrup. Of course, it costs "Big Cola" nothing; it's the little guy who runs the vending machine who will have to cover the loss.
Does an IBM with a sense of humor count?
Right, it's like going to a Bob Dylan concert.
Anyway, with all the attention to detail given to rendering whatever finds it's way onto a canvass I get fatigued from time to time. A quick diversion like this is just the thing, especially for an ADD type like myself.
When I was in college there was a mom and pop coffee shop just off campus called Clara's Coffee. They employed students who had a bad habit of getting high on their own supply. The Double Espresso owl reminds me of them.