When I was a kid back in the '60s, you could buy these turtles in any pet store. The standard habitat was a plastic kidney-shaped bowl with a little "island" and fake palm tree in the middle. I had one a few times.
All the conjecture about the Mona Lisa's smile seems silly to me. I think she's just displaying a natural but relaxed smile that she can maintain for long periods of time while being painted.
Hmm...seems to me that even the slight curve at the bottom would force the back into an unnatural angle and cause damage that might not be immediately noticeable.
Besides, think of the ridicule and teasing they'd get from the other dogs.
For better or worse, my big brother helped me learn how to read when I was a wee tike, back in the early '60s. The back-bone of my curriculum was his huge stack of MAD Magazines.
I'm guessing that it's illegal now.
Besides, think of the ridicule and teasing they'd get from the other dogs.
Couldn't help but notice that the bus-boy is the only one who seemed to have decent sea-legs.