Seems pretty unenforceable. Change the color and close the beak, for example, and then just claim it's not the Twitter Bird nor is it intended to look like the Twitter Bird.
When I was a kid, nothing was as good as a collection of Ray Bradbury stories. The Jar, The Skeleton, The Veldt, The Sound of Thunder...just a few of my favorites off the top of my head.
I'm tempted to start a new trend of typing double periods just to bug the anal retentive.. More than a single period, but not quite an ellipsis.. Still not as annoying as text-speak, such as LOL or TTFN..
I learned to type way back in the days before electric typewriters. That's right, I actually had to develop my pinky-finger muscles in order to hit those z and ? keys, and needed to return the carriage manually at the end of every line!
We were taught to leave two spaces after every period, so I don't need some young whipper-snapper telling me I'm "wrong" because the standards have changed to accommodate the new technology.
A day will come when our electrical plants fail, and my fellow "old school" typists and I will blow the dust off of our slumbering typewriters and rise once more to assume our rightful positions of supremacy!
If you haven't seen Stephen Colbert's interview of Sendak back in January, I strongly recommend it: There's also a part 2, and he also posted some additional material yesterday in Sendak's memory.
We were taught to leave two spaces after every period,
so I don't need some young whipper-snapper telling me I'm "wrong" because the standards have changed to accommodate the new technology.
A day will come when our electrical plants fail, and my fellow "old school" typists and I will blow the dust off of our slumbering typewriters and rise once more to assume our rightful positions of supremacy!
There's also a part 2, and he also posted some additional material yesterday in Sendak's memory.