e-sizzle's Comments

I've got a bs in math and computer science. I don't know if I'd say they were too hard, but I do think they could be made more accessible and engaging.

My guess is that most people drop out of these majors because they find them difficult *and* boring and the career path doesn't seem to enticing.
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What @hmm... said.

I like dogs but I like to sleep too. Peace and quiet means alot to me. If you can't keep your dog quiet, you shouldn't have one.

One of the nice things about living in an apartment complex - I can call the office and they'll tell the dog owners to shut them up, or else.
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My parents got divorced. Of my 2 sets of grandparents, one got divorced, and the other one probably should have.

I'm 41, never been married, and it rocks. I don't have anything against tradition, but some people just aren't made for marriage. Oh, and living with another person can be a real pain.
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Funny stuff Alex. I'm a man. I like Dr. Pepper...

Long time ago Irish Spring soap used to have a commercial where the soap was described by a hot woman as "Manly, yes. But I like it too!" I have no idea what manly soap is.
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Ugh. Nothing against SC. but I'm not feeling this. Do something constructive, dont' just say things are great.

Plus hearing it is just gonna be disconcerting. Imagine calling up the DMV and hearing "It's a Great Day in South Carolina. How may I help you." Ugh.
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"encouraging "inappropriate thoughts" among the boys.."
Well, IMHO what they consider inappropriate thoughts are entirely appropriate. Checking out hot chics was the only thing that I used to like about going to school. What a shame.
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