ohh and im also really impresed of the the huge impact a pandmic can cause and scientists should also create preventive medicine so these catastrophes would never ocurr again
well probably we say that these sickness are always shown bigger from what they really and this is part of media to freak out people... but I dont think that BC they used this kind of mechanisms, but I think everything has a purpose and Im also creationist and I dont belief God made sickness we made them with our sinful acts and probably sound a little bit religious but is the true we always get consequences of the bad things we do and sickness are our consequences for all the sinfull acts we have commited.. but you can always take something good out of bad things and with these pandemics not everything was desease these pandemiocs also helped scientists to improve in their investigations and to create medicine to cure this deceases and other sickness and I know it sounds kind of cruel that many people have to die to have scientists improvements but is the way things work and as I said before everything has a purpose!