As a PC gamer, I'm just wondering what kind of thumb workout I'll be needing in order to do this in 5o years. Because I'm not used to all that X-box controller gadgety-ism.
Ooh, I have bookmarkied that recipe. I haven't made biscotti in years, but I do love the heartier beers. And having a sweet crunchy snack to dip? Nice! As for the "powdered espresso," they're probably just talking about powderized coffee, which you can easily do in your blender/food processor.
When I was in PLDC (sort of "Army Sergeant school"), there was a guy in my group who could perfectly impersonate a big-ass German Shepherd going insane. When we did that running-in-formation thing, one ARRGH-ARRGH-ARRGH from him made 20 people or more go freaking out in different directions. It was fun. Heh.
That sounds about right. There are people out there who will carry a new worker up to great heights -- and even more that will just work them to death an exploit them. Better to sharpen your nose for the difference now than later.
Definitely don't be suckered into giving away free labor (of any kind) just for that "get your name out there" thing. If what you create offers value to an employer, you deserve to get paid for it.
Then there are the people who got injured while in the military, but decided to "self-treat" or "walk it off" instead of getting medical attention. Because no visit to sick call is listed in your medical records, you cannot claim disability for it later if that old injury results in permanent bad issues. Today's vets are apparently getting smarter, and now go to sick call for anything and everything, just to get it documented.
Not a PC keyboard, but back in journalism school, we had to pass typing tests using manual typewriters with blank keys. We had some strong hands back then...
Is it ironic that the guide recommends a "big Mexican sombrero" as "the most sensible and appropriate thing to wear?"
/Was friends in high school with a guy who got shipped off to a Klan summer camp in the 80s. That was how he found out that being in the Klan was a family tradition he was expected to take part in, and his experience was... not pleasant at all.
X-box controller gadgety-ism.
/Was friends in high school with a guy who got shipped off to a Klan summer camp in the 80s. That was how he found out that being in the Klan was a family tradition he was expected to take part in, and his experience was... not pleasant at all.