mm.! this article was about the 5 most deadliest diseases that have happened in the history of the world, like the black death, the spanish flu, the anotnine plague, the justinian plague, and the pelopennisian war pestilance. In my opinion these diseases like killed so much people because they didnt have enough technology like we do now a days. We can make medicines that cure these sicknesses like we did with the swine flu because if we wouldnt have made the vaccine against it, it would have been another deadly pandmic. I think that the black death was probably the worst of all since so many people died. It must be like scary seeing urself rot in life. Like thats gross.! Im happy [: that now we have enough medicines and technology that can cure all these diseases.
mm.! this article was about the 5 most deadliest diseases that have happened in the history of the world, like the black death, the spanish flu, the anotnine plague, the justinian plague, and the pelopennisian war pestilance. In my opinion these diseases like killed so much people because they didnt have enough technology like we do now a days. We can make medicines that cure these sicknesses like we did with the swine flu because if we wouldnt have made the vaccine against it, it would have been another deadly pandmic. I think that the black death was probably the worst of all since so many people died. It must be like scary seeing urself rot in life. Like thats gross.! Im happy [: that now we have enough medicines and technology that can cure all these diseases.
kElLy.! <3