Metaphysics and Science... these two principles like fire and ice! Or say, to be philosophical . . . Metaphysics seek the "being" with the big B... that is God while Science only seek the beings with the small b., that is all that exist in the world. i do agree with Danday and Steven., Science is a young principle compare to the beliefs of the people in ancient times... though they believe in so many gods like Greeks, and before the Greeks way back thousand and thousands of years... so it is not that surprising why do these academic claims such as the evolutionary theory of Darwin have flaws. Considering the time we are in, The Atomic Age, people as what philosophers would claim, a thinking being, is able to create technologies that either falsify or give weigh to a specific theory that will eventually be made law... we are a supreme being ( be mindful of the small 'b' because of our capacity to think. thinking - they only difference of man to everything else such as animals for the most part) 'Once truth, it cannot be falcify',,,, funny enought why science claim that this is the truth... objective? yeah, but., is that truth will always be a thuth unti the ends of time? the answer is NO... because as the time changes, these principles changes... as for today, they law of Gravity is very much true... can these be always a law or there would come a time that these law will be proven not truth... it is really a dillema for man to always seek the truth... and as for the religion, well, we can see some myths and legends, but considering the fact that bible is composed of different authors (which each book fits together., also considering the fact that it is writen decades of cenrury apart - not that is consistent)... and most of it really happend and HOPEFULLY will happened (the parousia, the second coming).... keep in mind people that we should be critical... thanks.... have a blessed day
Or say, to be philosophical . . .
Metaphysics seek the "being" with the big B... that is God
Science only seek the beings with the small b., that is all that exist in the world. i do agree with Danday and Steven., Science is a young principle compare to the beliefs of the people in ancient times... though they believe in so many gods like Greeks, and before the Greeks way back thousand and thousands of years... so it is not that surprising why do these academic claims such as the evolutionary theory of Darwin have flaws.
Considering the time we are in, The Atomic Age, people as what philosophers would claim, a thinking being, is able to create technologies that either falsify or give weigh to a specific theory that will eventually be made law... we are a supreme being ( be mindful of the small 'b' because of our capacity to think. thinking - they only difference of man to everything else such as animals for the most part)
'Once truth, it cannot be falcify',,,, funny enought why science claim that this is the truth... objective? yeah, but., is that truth will always be a thuth unti the ends of time? the answer is NO... because as the time changes, these principles changes... as for today, they law of Gravity is very much true... can these be always a law or there would come a time that these law will be proven not truth... it is really a dillema for man to always seek the truth... and as for the religion, well, we can see some myths and legends, but considering the fact that bible is composed of different authors (which each book fits together., also considering the fact that it is writen decades of cenrury apart - not that is consistent)... and most of it really happend and HOPEFULLY will happened (the parousia, the second coming)....
keep in mind people that we should be critical... thanks.... have a blessed day