DanDay's Comments


"why, oh why do people ALWAYS have to thrown in religion so scientific facts..."

God made the world so He is relevant to a discussion about how the world came to be!

I am guessing that you would say christians are brainwashed deluded people ... this is far from the truth - Christians are ordinary people who have had their eyes opened by God - As the bible says "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"

The accuracy of the bible has been proved time and time again - The historical record of Babylon was ridiculed in the bible until the city was found! The bible predicts Israel would be gathered from the corners of the world and would once again become a people - This has happened according to the bible in the past 70 years despite the efforts of some to "wipe Israel from the face of the earth" - e.g. the 6 day war

Given this reliability are we not entitled as thinking people to assume that the bible is once again fully correct with respect to its account on the creation of the world?

As for being brainwashed I feel sorry for the thousands of inidividuals who have been fed the lie of evolution and fell for it - e.g. the diagrams used in biology textbooks to this day with respect to the human foetus are known to be inaccurate and the author has been recognised by scientists as "warping science" - yet the diagrams remain resulting in brainwashing with a lie - i will not even begin to mention the piltdown man deception, the failing to include cave paintings of dinosaurs in textbooks (this would ruin the evolution theory), i could go on but am just stating these things here as areas for you to research if you actually desire truth (some people are happy to go with the lie thinking that somehow following a lie will mean that they will not face God, some people are just honestly deceived)

As one evolutionist said (this is not a verbatim quote) "We are compelled to believe in Evolution, the alternative is Creation which is unthinkable"

Unthinkable to the man who doesn't wish to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ on judgement day (but who will do regardless of his beliefs)

Evolution is flawed to the thinking man - Darwin himself says that the fossil record should contain numerous examples of "beings in the evolutionary process" - This was over 100 years ago - With all the fossils now discovered and still no "missing links" or anything the theory is ridiculous to believe - It certainly requires far less faith to believe the bible

Furthermore when Darwin put forward his theory he had no idea of the complexity of a single cell with its 6 feet of DNA entwined within it - Many people in the professional world do not believe in evolution but simply teach it or else there funding is stopped

I have no doubt that this post will be attacked but actually this post is only offensive to those who want it to be - Realise that this post is in love to guide you to the truth - The truth is there if you wish to know it - And I wish that anyone reading this come to the truth also

With regards plagues, I cant say this is an area I have studied - As with all christians I thoroughly acknowledge evolution within defined boundaries within the same species - However there has never been any proof of one species turning into another and there never will be

I guess most people think "the scientists are clever they must be right" - I love science - Recording results of experiments, repeating them to ensure the result is consistent - But these scientific methods cannot be applied to the "evolution theory" - They cannot retest the "evolution of the elephant" - There is no repeatable or testable aspect here - This results in theory on theory about "how it might have happened" - And these theories (which I alike to a series of star trek, entertaining but totally unbelievable) are now taught as fact! Once again the creator must be denied, we don't want to have to answer to Him!

For those of you who actually seek the truth do a search on google for "evolution is a lie" - Read the quotes and comments of many educated men who realise the failings of the theory but are powerless to do anything until enough people in the academic world are brave enough to stand up and say "hold on a minute!" - of course this will result in their loss of job but better to lose a job than the truth (easy for me to say tho but some brave men have already done it)

This of course is all interesting but at the heart of the matter is will you accept Jesus as your saviour, making him the Lord of your life and acknowledging His position? - You don't have to wait until you are good (we will never be good enough) - rather run to Him with open arms and He will accept you as you are (see the parable of the Prodigal Son in the bible) - The you can begin to learn his wonderful ways - Salvations waits for those who want it and it is open to all who would humble themselves before the Lord! :D
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