Frau 1's Comments

The accordion is not touted by totalitarian regimes as the instrument of the people. It is a widely used instrument. It has many variations and is considered a traditional instrument in other countries.
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!! I used to do my own interpretations of Van Goghs or Gustave Baumann's works on a white board that we only used once a month. Throughout the month I would work on it, then the day we needed it - it was all wiped away.
I had never considered taking pics of it.
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Only took two posts this time before we got tha "zomg war/guns are teh evil" comment.

Now if someone comes in and says that "bombing them with kittens" is animal cruelty, then I may just have a bingo.
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Sadly, one of my members of congress in my state is one of the supporters of the bill. But when investigated, it turned out they had some content on their YouTube page which made them a hypocrite. They quickly removed it and said it was posted in error. And the whole thing got swept away.
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Heh. Years ago, I was part of baking a life size Smokey Bear cake for his 50th. The different parts were divided up. Myself and another student were given the task of crafting Smokey's butt. I remember when we were done, we kept wondering about "who wants to eat a piece of Smokey's butt."
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Just about everything JohnJ said in regards to schooling. When I reminisce about home-ec class in front of my students, they used to look at me strange. I discovered why. Their home-ec class does not teach them how to shop for groceries, how to make a budget for a household, how to take care of a house, or do laundry. But they sure as hell know how to make pigs in a blanket from a package of crescent rolls..
Young adults who work as baggers at the grocery store, who apparently still live at home. Because they do not understand the concept of why you do not put the bread in the bag first. They will only understand this when they begn to do serious grocery shopping for more than just themselves.

I kind of went off and rambled there...but
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For those of you who still play bingo -Frau spotted the first dupe of the new year. It was originally located here >
Which was a dupe of
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They forgot to add "foul smelling" to their "jelly like" description.
I had once left an open can of mountain dew in a metal shop. It had been forgotten for maybe a month. When I returned to the shop, there was no odor. I saw the can and picked it up to toss it in the trash... The jostling of the can somehow released the foul stench.
I tripped on a power cord and the can dropped and spilled the nasty jelly slime. All that remained to indicate that there was a mouse, was a few bones and fur.
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