Frau 1's Comments

"Alison of a gun -You guys do realize you run a website? That is on the internet? In America? "

Holy sh*t! You mean other countries don't have internet?

"Alison of a gun - Who the hell do you think is reading your blog?"

Apparently you and according to your information, only people in America.
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Totally plausible. I had a coworker like this. The drivers seat was clean. The rest of the vehicle had food wrappers, and the most recent cups were all located in the passenger seat where the seatbelt buckles, much like that image. Her home showed maybe a mild version of hoarding.
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I remember having a t-shirt in the mid 70s like this. except that there was no clear vinyls where you could see the gumballs. I was hit on the playground that first day I wore it. I believe it was manufactured by the same people who made the "Scratch and Sniff" shirts. Those lasted about seven washes.
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They are not true knock offs. They were made from old molds of the originals. This is still common to find knock offs of action figures In the dollar stores or flea markets, today. The molds became worn after so many pressings, and we're sold off to another manufacture.
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And this is why I save up money to take private airline flights.
No extra fees, smaller numbers of people, no screaming children, and you can bring your pet with you. Fat people are missing out. In fact I bet that would be a great niche market for a private airline company.
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@Jolly - the advantage you would get from using the 9 and 3 position in a tractor trailer or transit vehicle would be from being to hold the wheel straight, in an emergency. You can "lock" it in from this position easier than 10 and 2.
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As many years as I have been playing Pacman, I did not know this. I'm off to go warm up the Atari and switch the box from TV to Game/computer. Then I'll spend a little time jiggling the cable and discover that one of the screws into the antenna has come loose. So I will need to get the screw driver, or attempt to just screw it back in using my fingernail. At which point my nail will rip so I will need a bandaid....skip it all. I'll just take your word for it.
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If you are driving a tractor trailer or transit vehicle - you are taught 9 and 3 because of the leverage you may need in the event there is an emergency, or a blow out.
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