Frau 1's Comments

@Ziggy - the "echolocation" thing with the bells on bicycles is sort of like alerting people that you are behind, and next to and then passing them.
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This was how I learned to cross the street. I was shocked when we moved to the US and realized that this is not how it is done here.
IMO - it seems more efficient. Traffic is not stopping and starting waiting for someone to cross.
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Saw this on a Russian blog a few days ago. I would like to add that there are some images that are not included with the ones in the link above, that I would not describe as delightful.
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The chick has two different lenses. The one on the left is " blood red" which is something in between a regular lense and a sclera lense. The one on the right is " white out".
I have sets of both for my zombie outfits.
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@ Randi and Mike
and how it works
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I see a new way to sell my useless crap. I will not call it a "stuff sale". Nor will I call it a " yard sale". I will simply call it an art installation. And instead of placing my ad in the paper in the classifieds. I will place it in the art shows section.
Ay plus plus.
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I live in a rural area and we have squirrels, moles, voles, skunks, porcupines, prarie dogs, and the occasional badger. Yet the only thing that ever destroys my garden is the neighbors cat.

I use a lot of methods to keep pests out of my garden. None of them involve whacking or stabbing at critters with implements.

If you live in the city -contact animal control or whatever wild life service in you area. Both usually offer a cage to trap the animal in and they take care of it from there.

Skunks and raccoons are beneficial because they dig up the grubs, eat mice and small pocket mice.

As for the "brain worms." We have problems with hantavirus out here. You need to treat raccoon scat the same way. You need to be aware of the diseases that wild animals carry.
What are you doing ingesting it anyways? Really.
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