AaronA1C's Comments

Wow, 3 days to escape from American politics, feeling utterly powerless in regards to Russia invading Ukraine, uncontrolled inflation in the face of declining wages, and other signs of late-stage capitalism? Sign me up please! Can I stay for longer, like 6 months? A year? Five??? Please?!?!
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Any article that goes something along the lines of "Unexpected Ear Blockage" will end up to be some grodie odie bug that crawled into someone's ear and died. And about 3/4 of the time, that bug is a teeny little cockroach.
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I wish they could make true classic-looking cars again. The more recent Impalas are the best looking ones in 50 years, but still a far cry from this '62, or the earlier Chevy 4-door models.
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Randy Quaid is (all allegedly) a deadbeat who tried to pay an inn $10,000 owed with a phony check, squatted in the guest house of a property he once owned and trashed the place in the process, escaped to Canada but didn't do the required check-in as a non-resident so they booted both him and his wife out of the country, and oh yeah, he's an anti-science conspiracy-spreader and political extremist, which places him in the "Uh, I don't want to pay anything to this asshat" category. I don't even want to buy/rent Christmas Vacation, simply to prevent some residuals from getting into the hands of that guy.
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In my time studying at 3 different colleges (it's complicated), I probably never completely read any of the syllabuses. Life is just too short, especially when I was a non-traditional student working a fulltime job while going back to finish school. I'd look at the attendence & work-submission policies, and breeze through the rest. I was on honor roll for the last college attempt, so I obviously got most of the gist. But I wouldn't expect anyone to completely read a syllabus, or if so, the professor has GOT to bulletpoint the contents. Oh, and I just recently was diagnosed with ADHD, so there was no chance.
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Same here. There is not enough signage to indicate not to enter... why don't they just block the entire way if it's going to destroy all sorts of smaller cars in the process of trying to block bigger trucks? I'm not a litigious person by any means, but I would definitely sue the city.
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I've been seeing this shared on Twitter, and without reading the description, I straight up thought it was an ad for the 2nd episode of this season of Doctor Who!
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I'm living on the US east coast, and I have many family members living back west, in South Dakota, that are pro-gun. Occasionally, the "Swiss-Stat" comes up, ie: the high rate of gun ownership. But they never talk about the training. To get a hunting permit in SDak, it requires a very short course - mine was 1-2 hours when I was only 14 years old. To become weapons trained in the USAF, I went through a weeks of training and qualification, mainly in the handling of the firearm so I didn't accidentally injure myself or others. But it's usually (not always) the family members with zero military service, and next-to-zero training, that are the most pro-gun. I have no reason to own one, so I don't have any.
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Ok, seriously, any new version of an old tale that has been told so many different ways in so many different eras is incredible, especially when it's a few hundred years closer to the source of the tale.
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