ECA's Comments

Heavy metals tend to cause problems with Magnetic fields.

Another thing would be Heavy machinery..They can cause an influx of electrical current..
Looking up the location, I see a major road, all the way down..Interesting.
Seems it would be easy to monitor. But I will suggest that A good amount of Metals have been DUMPED along that road side.. Probably from old Mills, in the past.(dump sites were popular in the past) as well as 2 national parks on both sides..

Good luck
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sHARK: wow, whats that strange color/light moving ahead..
Surfer: weeeeeee...
Shark: it seems to be randomly moving..
Surfer: Weeeeeeee...
Shark: lets take a bite...
Surfer: Weeeeeeeee...
Shark: CHOMP...
Surfer: OW, SPLASH...
Shark: YUCK!!
Surfer: ROTTEN SHARK, ate my Surf board.. Wheres my cellphone..
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Percentages REALLY suck..
If you dont understand this..
Figure this out..

99 People make $1 and the boss makes $100..Whats the average?
$2..Twice as much as in reality.

IF you take an Even amount or persons off both ends..
1 and 1.. You get 98 persons at $1..Which is closer then the first.
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I went to his site and he has a few more graphs..
LOVE the last one and the price of BACON from 1982...In todays price..
Why not compare WAGE to PRICE.. 1982 there was NO WHERE that had bacon for over $5.. it was around a $1. And if inflation has raised its value to $5...I WANT A RAISE..YOU want a raise..because $2.10 per hour WAS NOT ENOUGH. 5x2.10=BASIC wage of $10.50 per hour.
And if you were making $9 per hour, you should be at $45.
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Lets see a COST for the other bills, with this from 30 years ago..
The first thing you cut is FOOD.

Iv seen to many kids not taught HOW to cook.
Pop it in the microwave and eat it..
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These numbers should be based on the GDP or the Value of our dollar.
The more they make(money) the lower its worth.

Products are sold in comparison to the Value of our money.
And where the Rich tended to get a cost of living increased based on the Value of THAT money..the poor DIDNT.
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I want a list of essential items..
Then compare that to the cost of living.

Im waiting for the list to contain CARS/Insurance to get to work, as most business over the years has reduced the numbers of outlets to Work at.
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Umm, ya..

1. if you can find a power line, you will probably be standing on a ROAD..
2. Make a Good connection, then have a GIANT transformer to change it from 50K volts. Unless you are standing at someones HOUSE, this could be SHOCKING.
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