Alan Andrew's Comments

Jesus, Mohammed, Ghandi, et al would not be amused by this inhumanity. I don't think "religious" people are truly following their mentors' philosophy.

Even if this poll only covered "Christians", I suspect we could find similar results in other religious groups--those who espouse they belong to the world's major religions.
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Already I see cellphones becoming more toys than tools, with all their gadgets that most people will never use.

Similarly, when I doubled my internet speed for a few dollars a month, I didn't perceive a change in speed.

So, yes, as the Pogo comic strip said: "I have met the enemy, and the enemy is us." We are now the main barrier to our own progress: Tools have reached their potential, in a crude sense.

I guess now we should look to making them more practical.

Also, there seems over the decades, swings back and forth between breadth of service and niche service. Maybe we are at one end now, with breadth/speed (at least for me) of service, and tech will move more to higher quality niche service.
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