Melissa 2's Comments

This would be super cool for folks that are making an effort to be slimmer and still have some areas that aren't quite there yet. There have been times in life when I worked very hard to lose weight and lost a lot, but a few spots like my chin and a little poochy spot on my belly still felt ugly to me. Those areas, especially like the chin that's hard to firm up with exercise, were de-motivational. Especially now with so much casual photography like being tagged in snapshots on facebook, you notice things like having a wobbly chin, and then instead of feeling awesome about being in a smaller jean size, you feel disheartened that you've been trying so hard and still look fat. It makes letting your self go again pretty tempting. If you're going to look fat anyway, why not look fat while eating dessert in front of the tv instead of grilled chicken breasts AGAIN and hitting the gym. I could see having something less invasive than liposuction to fix those little slow-slimming annoyances could help keep some people on the right track. It's not a good fix for the obese who are in desperate need of losing weight for their health. It's not a "Let's just eat deep fried lard cakes and then inject these all over. No worries." kind of deal. But it would be great for a mid-point motivator or a last-little-bit reward.
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I hope this is the wake up call the school needs to stop the popularity contests all together. They don't add anything to the educational experience or to the festivities. Homecoming would be just as fun, and for some more fun, if they did away with having a Homecoming Court at all. With a high-profile ugly prank like that, the time is perfect to make this year the last year for voting in a Court. If a few boosters or former Kings and Queens or whatever wanted to complain about discontinuing the tradition, the school could quickly silence those complaints by reminding them of what happened this year. If the kids today don't enjoy and respect the tradition enough that they abused it this year for a mean joke, there's no good reason to keep the tradition alive.
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They should balance it out, charge her for the damages done to the original work that was church property, and then pay her for her copyright claim in an equal amount to the damages they're asking.
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I can remember several schools and teachers that did silly things like that regarding bathroom passes to try and discourage kids from leaving class. One teacher made her bathroom pass out of a genuine full size toilet seat. But in reality, it didn't make a lot of difference. The kids that were going to ask to be excused needlessly and meander around in the hall still did and not any more or less so than in classes where the bathroom policy was less theatrical.
If a kid needs to be excused, they should simply excuse them. If a kid is being excused more than is ordinary, it should be addressed with just that student. Maybe there's a health issue. Maybe there's a time management issue. Maybe they're just wanting to skip out for a minute. The teacher is missing a "super important opportunity" to be a responsible adult.
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How rude to the other diners! No one should have to sit at a table next to someone relieving themselves in a porta potty. If you're paying to dine out, you should be able to expect that the other diners will be living up to our culture's standards for table ettiquette, and that generally means not being naked and most certainly means not using the bathroom at the table. Why on earth did management allow this to go on? If the restaurant didn't have the basic decency to tell the mother that her kids needed to be in appropriate dress and couldn't potty in the dining room, I hope they at least comped the rest of the patrons' meals.
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Creepy. There's no way I would have accepted a proposal from someone willing to pull that kind of sick prank. And shame on the folks like the actors and make-up people and writers and such that went along with it. I wouldn't have accepted a job to do something that twisted.
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I've always thought it was weird for business and formal type letters to use "dear" in the first place. It seems way to familiar for that kind of thing, and really not always all that appropriate for the content of the letter. Like if I am writing a supplier or a customer, "dear" seems a little too chummy, that feels more like it belongs for just friends and family. I appreciate my customers greatly, but "dear" sounds too affectionate and personal. And if I'm writing a company to complain about something, it feels weird to start with "dear" then unleash a torrent of negative stuff. I don't know the person reading it, so they're not really dear to me, and "dear" followed by something not so loving feels dishonest. I also don't really like it when it doesn't fit when I'm the recipient. If someone is just trying to sell me something and they're a stranger, I don't like to be addressed as "dear". You don't know me. Just a greeting or even just my name is fine. I'm glad to see it start to fade from popular use for everyone all the time.

I don't tend to use it anymore even when I'm writing nice stuff to folks that are dear to me,though. When correspondence and communication was fewer and farther between it made better sense to start every letter with a sweet greeting. Like when I was growing up and my family across the country only heard from me every few weeks, yeah,adding a "Dear Auntie and Uncle" at the start of every big letter made sense. But now that I see their feed on facebook and most of my letters to them that aren't things like wall posts are emails and they're quick, meant to be quick to read and quick to write. When they've heard from me the day before by phone or social network or email or whatever, we don't need the formal loving opening phrase. We can jump to the meat of that particular note.
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Having waited tables for years at a couple of different restaurants years ago, I worked at places that had automatic gratuities and ones that didn't. I didn't apply the gratuity to parties that were likely to be good tippers. Families, adults, business dinners, etc. I would seldom ever add the gratuity. I fared better just providing them my usual good service and letting them know that I did not add the gratuity for big parties already and relying on them to tip as they saw fit. They seldom ever tipped badly and often tipped more than the automatic gratuity would have been. I did appreciate the restaurants that offered the automatic gratuity option,though, for some groups. Because a server still has to pay taxes and tip out bartenders, busers, etc. based on a percentage of the whole bill regardless of what tip they received, it's nice to have that insurance for groups that are likely to stiff you entirely or leave you way too little to cover you tax and tip out expenses. Big groups of teenagers were one of the main times I had to thank my lucky stars that I had a gratuity to fall back on. They'll all too often run a server to death and take up their whole section for the whole evening and not leave any tip or leave a few cents in change on a several hundred dollar tab.
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If they had a legitimate problem with the level of service they were receiving, they should have talked to the manager long before the check arrived. Waiting till time to pay sounds to me a lot like the scammers who wait until after they've already eaten their meal to say that the steak was overcooked and they'd like a comp.
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13ft, I think the trouble is that the jamming signal isn't necessarily stopped by the building's wall. Like I can't just block inside my store, without potentially also blocking the store next door to mine, inside the house behind it,and on the street where the ambulance may be trying to communicate.
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Yeah, they're right, it is totally illegal. I researched it a while back. I REALLY wanted one. But not enough to get arrested over. And then I found out why they're illegal and I definitely didn't mind as much. I dug the idea of blocking the phones of all the yakking patrons in my store slowing down the line, disturbing other customers, etc. But I don't like the idea at all of accidentally interfering with emergency vehicles. I'd rather just deal with annoying phone users than endanger people over it.
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Lobster restaurants have been doing the non-digital version of that for years. This is just an internet pork version of the big tank that you can point at the one you'd like boiled up.

If I were a vegetarian, I might have room to find it off-putting. But I eat meat. Whether it's from an animal I've chosen personally or seen on the hoof doesn't make it any more or less icky than one that was processed without me seeing it before it hit my plate.

I grew up with eating farm animals being quite the norm. The animal you saw born or brought home as a little piglet or calf or chick and fed and cared for every day was some day going to be on your dinner table. And you knew that and it was okay. It was just the way of the world.
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