Melissa 2's Comments

I've used composting toilets, and they're way more normal than that sounds. I,too, had invisioned a glorified porto-potty. They're not like that. And they don't smell weird like I was afraid they would. They're actually pretty cool.
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Does Scotland not have building codes? While I'm intrigued and love the idea of an evironmentally friendly and cheap house, I don't think you could get by with building this as a house to be lived in America. There's no way it could pass inspection. Unless maybe he does some sort of code-fu and has it classified as a hunting cabin or a storage shed or something instead of the living space he obviously intends to use it for.
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It's not just about Valentine's Day itself for the Indian extremists. It's about opposing the westernized view of romantic love. Traditionally, romantic love plays a drastically different role in India than in America. Here, we choose a mate who appeals to us, flirt and date and get all mushy and fall in love and get married. There, marriage is often arranged and more of a financial and family tie arrangement than a romantic thing. Valentines focuses on Western style romantic love and expression rather than tradition. It's not like the anti-valentines sentiment here in America where it's just bitter single people and divorced people and cheap people and people who just like to complain about anything that makes other people happy that don't like the holiday.
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I would worry about radiation's negative effects if I was them,too. We'd have to do a lot more studying on what's special about the ponds before I started laying around in them. Safety first.
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I thought of this years ago. I think it'd be awesome. But they shouldn't add any more pets to the world by buying from breeders, they should use ones from shelters and rescue organizations. As long as they do that, they're doing good. People like me and my hubby aren't set up to keep a dog properly permanently,but might enjoy having one around from time to time. And it would be great for familys with kids who want pets. They could see the responsibility first hand with a rental animal before being stuck with a permanent animal they weren't ready for. So many times a kid pesters and pesters for a dog and Mom and Dad cave in and the kid is thrilled for a few weeks,then the new wears off and the pet becomes an unloved hassle. Rentals could bypass that fate. It'd be a great way to experiment with different breed types,too. I like the looks of some breeds,but have never really tried having one around. Rentals would be great for finding just what type of dog (or pet in general) is right for you.
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What a shame! The owner of the business could have spent the money he spent on the contraption to keep homeless people off his grate on charity programs that help get the homeless off the streets. That would have fought the problem at its source, and had a little compassion. What a heartless soul!

Someone in my hometown has recently put up benches at some of the public bus stops (There were no bus benches at all before.). I ride the bus and was happy to see the benches go up, but then a took a better look at them. They're the type with the big divider bumps in them to discourage people from laying down on them. That's just sad. The benches are looking for advertisers for the signage part of the bench. I can't wait till they hit my business up and I get to give them a piece of my mind.
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I manage two liquor stores in Arkansas, and though I'm usually against hassles at store check outs and absolutely for personal privacy as a shopper( I always refuse to give out my phone number or anything like that to make a purchase.), I think this guy is wrong on this one. It's not a matter of data mining or privacy invasion. It's a matter of law. He wasn't buying a loaf of bread or a tee shirt and they wanted his phone number or zip code for market research purposes or to send him advertisements. He was attempting to purchase alcohol, a highly regulated substance. Here in Arkansas, (I don't know about other states) to purchase alchohol you must show a valid ID that says your old enough to drink, period. Not just young people. Everyone. Sure, I never check for the ID's of people that are like this guy, obviously old enough to be a grandparent. But by not checking I am technically in violation of the law. I expect my staff to check everyone's ID. It prevents any slip ups. If you check everyone's no minors can accidently slip through the cracks. This guy should not expect the clerk to be willing to risk their job or going to jail or expect the business to risk their license to sell him a bottle of wine. Adults should carry their ID with them and be prepared to show it if they want to buy alcohol regardless of their age. Sure, I don't necessarily love having to dig out my wallet and show my ID any time I buy an age regulated substance,either, but I understand that I am not the center of the universe. It's not fair to expect to be above the law and incovenience cashiers and shop keepers because I would like them to violate the law for me. If it's that big a deal to him, he should be protesting the law and take it up at the legislative level, rather than causing trouble at the store level. He should get the law changed, show his ID, or learn to do without wine.
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Art is a lovely thing. The concept is neat. But at a price of a million dollars, it's a shame. They could spend that same million dollars on helping people that really need it and that would be a lot nicer than a fake banana in the sky.
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In the Victorian era, hair art, especially jewelry was strikingly common. Some women even kept a special vase like thing on their dressers called a "hair receiver" to keep hair collected from their brushes for using in craft projects. Tons of girls from that era made super elaborate things from human hair, either their own or a loved one's. I guess the fairly modern concept of hair having germs kind of killed the appeal.
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Where I live, our electicity comes from a hydroelectric plant and is sustainable and clean. So a car that runs on air compressed by an electric compressor would a HUGE improvement over a gas powered auto.
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