Ok i will say it. This looks like it would appeal to gamers under the legal drinking age and i bet that is going to be problem and cause them to pull it off the market. But it does look cool.
I am very guilty of the 'no problem(or worries)/uh huh/sure/anytime' type of responses. My favorite is when someone says "Thank you very much", I like to reply with "You're welcome just as much". Also the automatic replys you get are funny when someone asks "Whats up" and you/i reply 'Good thanks'.
They say that communication is only 10%(?) verbal and the rest is non-verbal. You can say the words and not mean them or you can not say them but the feeling is there.
If it has a north then it has a south. If it has a east then it has a west. If it can have a southwest it can have a northeast. I agree with Craig. Not sure what Dug is talking about.
This happened to our cat when i was a kid. The cat would always be on the engine block of our van in the morning when my dad went to work. He got used to looking for the cat before starting it up. One day he didnt spot or notice the cat and started up the engine. The cat soon came shooting out of the van and had a non life threatening injury. All the hair except an inch or two at the base of the tail had been removed. The cat looked like it had a really long rat-like tail. The tail was amputated except for a stub.
I read most of the article and realized it was only going to answer the question of why they wear glasses in the pop-culture arena and not in real life. I thought that the question would have sparked a response on eyesight in intellectual people vs dummies.
What Mitch said. We take the ladies out for dinner and a movie in order to get 'some'. Why give the money to the theater and the restaraunt when you can just give directly to the lady. You get the same result.
Also the automatic replys you get are funny when someone asks "Whats up" and you/i reply 'Good thanks'.
They say that communication is only 10%(?) verbal and the rest is non-verbal. You can say the words and not mean them or you can not say them but the feeling is there.