You along with a lot of other people seem to think that "Three hots and a cot" are all there is to the military. What about the endless months spent away from home missing birthdays, anniversary's, first steps taken, holidays missed, baby's born and family that passes away? These brave soldiers, of whom I count myself honored to be one, have given much of themselves to support the country they love. Some, myself included, have given 100% and become permanently disabled, while others will never come home alive. This soldier is not looking for his 15 minutes of fame, he is trying to use whatever publicity he can get to support a cause that not only believes in but is a part of. In this world their are citizens and patriots. Patriots EARN the right to enjoy everything their country has to offer, citizens ENJOY everything their country has to offer thanks to the selfless service of PATRIOTS such as this fellow. Are you a Patriot or a Citizen?
You along with a lot of other people seem to think that "Three hots and a cot" are all there is to the military. What about the endless months spent away from home missing birthdays, anniversary's, first steps taken, holidays missed, baby's born and family that passes away? These brave soldiers, of whom I count myself honored to be one, have given much of themselves to support the country they love. Some, myself included, have given 100% and become permanently disabled, while others will never come home alive. This soldier is not looking for his 15 minutes of fame, he is trying to use whatever publicity he can get to support a cause that not only believes in but is a part of. In this world their are citizens and patriots. Patriots EARN the right to enjoy everything their country has to offer, citizens ENJOY everything their country has to offer thanks to the selfless service of PATRIOTS such as this fellow. Are you a Patriot or a Citizen?