I found a couple of interesting things: everyone dresses the same, everyone dresses very formally-hats,coats,ties (or what we would consider formal today),and the style of dress is very drab. considering there were few or no colors in clothes back then,it was even drabber.
I also noticed how few women there were on the street.
Last,it occurred to me that every single one of those people,even the young children,are now dead.
I found it very depressing-the animal is trapped in a cage,nowhere to go, no fresh air, drab and ugly surroundings,no friends. Even his keepers make no sounds.
I found a couple of interesting things: everyone dresses the same, everyone dresses very formally-hats,coats,ties (or what we would consider formal today),and the style of dress is very drab. considering there were few or no colors in clothes back then,it was even drabber.
I also noticed how few women there were on the street.
Last,it occurred to me that every single one of those people,even the young children,are now dead.
Who gets to pay for these 14 kids? You and me,that's who.
They should sterilize her before she has more.