chris a's Comments

I imagine music all the time! I'll be tapping my feet or bobbing my head or something and people will ask me if I'm hearing music.. It's usually just in my head!
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Kristian Twombly said what I woulda said if I wasn't being responsible and working and got here sooner.

It's probably a camera trick, but I don't think the plane should be flying that close to the boats. Other than that, the picture is 100% possible and doesn't have to be a fake.
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Justin wrote:
"the judge is allowing the film to be shown in public schools".

Here in Tampa there is a school that didnt inform parents of this and found out afterwards that their kids are being shown the movie and it's being taught as fact.

That bothers me because they again are only showing 1 side of the story to these kids who will believe anything a teacher will tell them.

It's wrong unless they show both sides, which they don't because then they'd possibly be proven wrong and we can't have that. No siree.
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Schnitt isn't the guy who wrote that stuff. He just has a collection of other information on his site. Just because I see articles on Neatorama, doesn't mean that Neatorama wrote every article on the page.

Many of the videos are documents on his page have statements from scientists in the IPCC who are stating that they do not agree with Al Gore and are tired of being mixed in with the people who are, just because they are also a part of the IPCC.

I'm serious, watch the first 3 videos in those links and you will see what I'm talking about. Or don't. It all depends on if you want to walk the walk, or just talk it.
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I sure hope that wasn't directed at me Luke. I never said there wasn't any scientific evidence in his movie. There's plenty of scientists reporting the way that Al Gore wanted it to be reported.

I absolutely am a Right Wing Conservative and if I had a Hummer (a real hummer, not the sissy H2/3) you bet your bottom dollar I'd be driving it. Instead I'm relatively poor and drive a 4cyl S-10 and Aveo.. Quite the carbon emitting vehicles! Oh and my tractor that I use to take care of my field, I'm going to be converting it over to be run off bio-diesel.. not because of the carbon emissions but because it's so much cheaper.

And I love Focus on the Family.
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When I saw that he was given the Nobel I was in utter shock. Sure, "Global Warming" is something that we should be concerned about but Al Gore turned it into something way more dramatic than it needed to be. Did you know that 30 years ago the same hoots who are screaming Global Warming now were worried about another Ice Age?! Have you people ever read history books? The weather ebbs and flows and we are in a warm spout right now but it'll get cooler again.

Also get the facts from the real scientists in their entire context. Take a look at the links on this web page:

It will tell you that the majority of people do not agree with Gore on this topic like he says they do. It'll also tell you that the human contribution to the 'Global Warming' is closer to like 5% of the total carbon emissions in the world.

As said before, why doesn't he do more to lessen his own Carbon Emissions? He should take an example from Leo and get a Prius.. better yet, buy the new car from Tesla Motors.. 100% Electric car. Everyone go buy one for that fact (well, wait for the $30k version to come out).

I'm not saying that Global Warming isn't real. I'm just saying that it is extremely blown out of proportion and that given time the earth will naturally cool again. Until then I am completely in support of renewable energy sources and fewer green house gas emissions. I do admit that the "Global Warming" COULD be an issue in several thousands of years.. But we'll all be gone by then.

Stupid move by the Nobel committee. Or was it a smart move in their favor? It's all political anyways.
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Thats some pretty intense comments going on there.

I play WoW only because my brother plays and sadly its the only way we can really interact these days because we live so far apart.

How about we all let people live the way they want to and stop criticizing and judging them. You may actually only know 2-3 people who play WoW so you can only judge by those people.. the rest you are just speculating. Leave em to do what they want, it's their choice not yours.
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Yea it was featured on neatorama before, but thats ok cuz its still awesome.

It's not necessarily fake or photoshopped. The holes could be there in the trash but you would only see them from the angle that the light is shining through. In that case you wouldn't be able to see the shadow thus defeating the point.
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