slickwilly's Comments

The Judge Judy class is essentially a Critical Thinking class, they just decided to call it a silly name. My Critical Thinking class has really helped me as I progress through my Poli Sci. major. We didn't watch Judge Judy in class though...instead we read a book that one of our professors had written...
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My comments were not intended to degrade the poor. They were intended for the ones who choose to eat McDonald's on a regular basis, poor or wealthy.

And as James said, if you are poor then you should be buying food from the store and cooking in bulk yourself, not spending the money on fast food.

So, therefore, I stand by my comments of feeling no pity whatsoever towards the people who get fat off of McDonald's food.
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Once again somebody else takes a shot at McDonalds. Newsflash, ALL FAST FOOD IS BAD and a lot of places are much, much worse for your body than McDonalds. McDonalds does not force food down anyone's throat and the corporation here lately has done everything possible to make it know just how bad the food is but yet, not surprisingly, people continue to clog their arteries with their food. All McDonalds does is provide a good for the needs of people.

I worked at McDonalds for a couple of years. We consistently received 95 or higher on our Health scores, with a string of 100's 2 years in a row. The only deductions were for some problems with the tile flooring in the dry storage area that was of no harm whatsoever to people’s health. Also, no the burgers do not last for 20 years. I mean, sure you could keep them frozen for that long but I guarantee you once unthawed, they would fall apart and be tasteless (they were tasteless to begin with though).

I feel not pity at all for the people that get fat off of fast food. It's your own fault. Don't blame McDonalds.

Now, I will say, the dirty bucket with shake mix in it is absolutely uncalled for and disgusting but is not isolated to McDonalds.
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Hey Sarah Palin is supposed to be a good Mom by teaching abstinence only education and her daughter ended up pregnant. At least this woman is teaching her child to be responsible with the things she is or will be doing. She's going to do it anyways.
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Obama/Biden will take this one. People are starting to catch on to how hypocritical and behind the times Palin's views are, also, it's pretty evident that the only reason why McCain got a boost was because of Palin.
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In response to Joe:

Those "monkeys" as you call them broke into an empty home, attacked no one and were running away from the crazed Texan with a shotgun. In no way did they try to harm ANYONE and in no way does this crime call for a sentance of death.

You clearly are a racist but prove your ignorance even further by providing the wrong sterotypes for illegal immagrants.

Maybe these guys were forced to steal so that they may feed their families. What would you do in a situation like that? Would you "do all you can do" to provide for your family or would just give up and become a homeless alcoholic?
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Just another redneck with an itchy trigger finger. And it doesn't surprise me that the two guys he killed were hispanics. If they were white guys he would not have shot, especially in the back. Yes, you have the right to protect YOUR home but nobody has the right to murder. The guy is a racist murderer, bottom line and should have been convicted of Murder 1. It really is a shame that he will have the oppurtunity to kill again.

Here is another intersting "protection" story, from the great redneck state of Georgia (we are not all rednecks by the way).
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