Have you ever had any kittens? They play extremely rough with each other while this video demonstrated nothing but gentle fun that the babes seemed to enjoy. The world has enough humorless twits without you chiming in. I hope you get a lawyer and lose your life savings pursuing what anY court in the world would see as harmless fun. I am sure you can find some shylock that will be only to happy to relieve you of all the cash he possibly can. Get a life!
Have you ever had any kittens? They play extremely rough with each other while this video demonstrated nothing but gentle fun that the babes seemed to enjoy. The world has enough humorless twits without you chiming in. I hope you get a lawyer and lose your life savings pursuing what anY court in the world would see as harmless fun. I am sure you can find some shylock that will be only to happy to relieve you of all the cash he possibly can. Get a life!