Republicans think Obama is getting rid of jobs they don't have. And taxing money they are not making.
Record layoffs this year and Obama isn't even in office.
Circuit City is shutting down 155 stores and cutting how many jobs in the process?
Because Americans don't have money.
Now ask yourself why Americans don't have money?
Then you can answer the question as to why Obama was able to win an election with "no experience" and "no good ideas" and just a bunch of "Hope".
Well... that's all the Republicans have left us with after 8 years in office.
Republicans are mad that they messed up things so bad that they pretty much are the reason why Obama won. They really are mad at themselves. Even Fox is saying the Republican party is dead...
"You cannot survive in a free market if you don’t grow."
But if your growth comes from cutting out Amercians, you are cutting off you nose in spite of your face. This is a free country. But I don't think our tax dollars should help them do it. I don't believe in a tax break to help a company's profit. Obama's plan does include reversing that TAX CUT so he does address that issue. I think it is okay for a business to do what it needs to do to make profits. I own my own business. 2 of them. But there comes a point where the business practices can be anti-American and I do not support that.
"I say bravo to the 1%ers. Good job getting there and thank you for owing and running the corporations who provide jobs to Americans and actually pay taxes back into our system."
Are you not seeing thousands of jobs being cut? Not to mention how some of these corporations made their money? Are you not aware of the massive investigation into all of these entities wish is being pushed by both Republicans and Democrats for the whole market melt down due to this greed?
Obama did not ignore the Russia incident. He relied on the Diplomacy in place to properly handle that situation. McCain tried to use it as a platform to make Obama look weak instead of do what is best for our country. Like I said, he agreed with Obama's actions 2 weeks later. His move back fired just like when he froze his campaign. That is why it rarely comes up anymore. They will use Wright, Ayers and Acorn but they don't bring up Russia.
Palin has plenty of dirt. Hell... it's even coming out on FOX. She gets to go back to Alaska and face an investigation.
Reading your points gives me the impression that you see nothing wrong with our current situation how corrupt our corporations are and Obama is going to mess up what is going so well. Have you talked to anyone who is losing a home because of the bait lending practices?
Not only did I quit my second full time job. After that, I held a Real Estate license for 2 years and worked in Scottsdale AZ . I sold 1 house for 500,000 and I actually tried to talk them out of the purchase just like I did for my other 9 buyer clients. Because I saw the patterns of greed. It doesn't make sense to give someone an ARM loan when you can sign them up for a regular fixed rate loan at a higher rate. At least the payment is fixed and people wouldn't default when their house payment balloons. But see, that is what Republicans want when they say deregulate. They do not want government from stepping in and stopping their abuse. I see it all around me. These corporations that you are fighting for are the same companies that are literally in bed with Oil Company reps.
Look at Bank of America. Not only were the strong enough not to need a bailout, they actually bought out another bank. And now look at what they are doing. Rewriting the loans so they make sense. And the CEO makes a nice 25 million compared to the 200 million these other dummies made sinking a business... SEE HOME DEPOT.
All this hate you have for Obama... but where is it for the President who brought us here? Obama isn't even in office yet and you want to place blame on his shoulders. It is hilarious to me.
You have so much love for Palin and hate Obama. What did Palin offer our Country that Obama didn't?
Yeah... in 4 years. I know where to find you. I will apologize for doubting you infinite wisdom.... or maybe not....
@ Rob: This Hip Hop reference was for Dave since in my last post, he told me to leave politics to "THINKING" people and I should stick to hip hop.
On Russia: Content to let Georgia suffer? This is what I mean by warped views. If you have 2 wars going on, you don't start a 3rd one. He was being cautious. not a bad trait to have for a President.
On Corporations and greed: It might not work for you but it works for me and my Dad right in Phoenix AZ. After 23 years in the Air Force, he gets a job with Home Depot in their Electrical Department. What happens? The CEO makes millions raping the company in stock options. He lays off half the staff to pump up the profit margin, then turns around and sells his stocks and doesn't even show up to the next stock share holder meeting because he knows what he did was criminal. The company stock takes a dive because the no longer have a decent workforce to help drive the company. My HARD WORKING Father and thousands of others get laid off in the path of greed.
I worked for the same company for 10 years straight. And during that period I even picked up a second full time job for a year and 4 months exactly. I quite my second job the day I filed for taxes. SO to assume that Obama supporters are lazy is insulting and makes anti-Obama people look ignorant.
And I'll say it one more time. The company I worked for screwed hard working Americans for greed and profit and this os happening on a mass scale and that is what is killing out country.
1% of our populations has over 90% of the money in our economy. How does this make any sense?
All I am saying is... GIVE ME A GOOD REASON TO VOTE FOR McCain/Palin.
McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time. He says it himself. Every argument made against Obama can be used against McCain and 10 times over against Palin. If Obama is as messed up as you guys think, why hasn't the CIA or FBI come up with any dirt on him?
@ Josh: "Things like him saying his proposals will bankrupt Coal Fired Power Plants does not help my willing to like him. around 50% of America is using Coal for power."
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? This is what I am talking about right here. Do some homework man. McCain's people were quoted saying the exact same thing in 2005. Watch a little more Daily Show. They showed the actual clip of his top advisor saying McCain's own plan will bankrupt the coal Plants. And, is you dig a little further, you would learn that Obama's plan bankrupts coal plants if they do not start using clean coal technology. They would get heavily taxed for their huge carbon imprint. So Obama is not out to get Coal Plants.... if the use clean coal technology, they are fine.
Again, you guys attack Obama but tell me how McCain was gonna fix things. You can't because he had no proposal to do so.
"Personally I do want him to live up to his promises that he can heal all of the bad diplomacy between every country just by talking to them." - ROB
Your hate has warped your perception. He never said he was gonna just "talk" to our enemies. But he believes in Diplomacy. And even McCain realized that during the Russia/Georgia problem. With our military already stretched, it would not have been a good idea to go to war with Russia. We turned to the United Nations and found other ways to handle enemies without war. Like financial sanctions. And even McCain admitted that....
"I hope he really can make money magically appear to pay for his ridiculous health care plan." - ROB
Because healthcare is already awesome and McCain's $5000 credit for a $12,000 a year plan was a better idea right?
"Yeah, he should live up to his promises of more and better paying jobs for americans in a declining economy when he decides to ax the living hell out of the business owners and the global corporations." - ROB
Corporations get a tax break for outsourcing jobs. So not only do they save money but paying someone overseas $10,000 instead of paying an American $35,000, the government gives them a tax break for doing it. So the government, in essence, paid the company to fire you. And we Americans, continue to support those companies.... how does that make sense. Obama is talking about stopping the bleeding.
"Yep if he can do all of that he really will live up to the glorious hero from fairy tales that you have convinced yourself that he is." - ROB
This is what I am talking about. Unnecessary. Insults. But I understand. I guess I threw an insult at you so I deserve one back. But I never thought of him as a glorious hero from a fairy tale. I thought of him as a man who recognizes we have problems we all need to come together to fix them as a nation. McCain didn't even want to admit there was a problem. And if I am a fool for that...
CALL ME A FOOL. I am the biggest, dumbest fool in the world. And I am fine with that....
Thank you Lambic. This is what I don't get about Obama haters. He at least communicates the idea that he WANTS TO FIX this together. What did McCain and Palin have? Insults. And what do all the naysayers have right now in this forum thread? Just negativity. No offered solutions. Just doom and gloom. All this hate for Obama and what he is gonna do wrong. Where is the anger at Bush for where he has lead us to up to this point?
This is the part where I thank Amidala.
For giving and educated opposing argument instead of insults, fear and hate. You have clear reasons that make sense as to why you don't like Obama. But... my question to all Obama haters is... what was McCain and Palin going to do to improve America's situation?
For saying what I have been trying to say for years. And for saying it in a short paragraph instead of the huge novel I wrote last time in the Palin As President blog entree.
"Jjust remember, letting the big guys slip some in the tax game means they have more money to hire you with."
I got laid off at a company during the year they made RECORD profit. Why? Because tax breaks gave them incentive to and they were cooking the books to rip off another company in the process. When Valassis found out they filed a lawsuit and reversed the layoff because it was a huge mistake. I left the company anyway to start my own business because corporations don't owe you anything.
Your scared of paying welfare but you are getting a Corporate bailout get shoved down your throat..... what a joke.
LOL @ Dave and Evil Pundit and everyone who is an Obama hater. Have you guys ever spit that much venom about any other President? Nope. So why Obama? Cuz he's Black?
The country is divided half and half. And in 4 years, there will be egg on your face because Obama delivers what he promises. Or egg on my face for believing in him and America. But I will own up to the egg on my face if he fails. I doubt any Obama haters have the steel to own up to their hate when he comes through and proves them wrong.
I DON"T KNOW HOW YOU HEARD McCAIN's speech and Obama's speech and still think Obama is an idiot and he will hurt this country more than anyone else has....
But hey.... continue "thinking" while I stick to my "Hip Hop".
Record layoffs this year and Obama isn't even in office.
Circuit City is shutting down 155 stores and cutting how many jobs in the process?
Because Americans don't have money.
Now ask yourself why Americans don't have money?
Then you can answer the question as to why Obama was able to win an election with "no experience" and "no good ideas" and just a bunch of "Hope".
Well... that's all the Republicans have left us with after 8 years in office.
Republicans are mad that they messed up things so bad that they pretty much are the reason why Obama won. They really are mad at themselves. Even Fox is saying the Republican party is dead...
But if your growth comes from cutting out Amercians, you are cutting off you nose in spite of your face. This is a free country. But I don't think our tax dollars should help them do it. I don't believe in a tax break to help a company's profit. Obama's plan does include reversing that TAX CUT so he does address that issue. I think it is okay for a business to do what it needs to do to make profits. I own my own business. 2 of them. But there comes a point where the business practices can be anti-American and I do not support that.
"I say bravo to the 1%ers. Good job getting there and thank you for owing and running the corporations who provide jobs to Americans and actually pay taxes back into our system."
Are you not seeing thousands of jobs being cut? Not to mention how some of these corporations made their money? Are you not aware of the massive investigation into all of these entities wish is being pushed by both Republicans and Democrats for the whole market melt down due to this greed?
Obama did not ignore the Russia incident. He relied on the Diplomacy in place to properly handle that situation. McCain tried to use it as a platform to make Obama look weak instead of do what is best for our country. Like I said, he agreed with Obama's actions 2 weeks later. His move back fired just like when he froze his campaign. That is why it rarely comes up anymore. They will use Wright, Ayers and Acorn but they don't bring up Russia.
Palin has plenty of dirt. Hell... it's even coming out on FOX. She gets to go back to Alaska and face an investigation.
Reading your points gives me the impression that you see nothing wrong with our current situation how corrupt our corporations are and Obama is going to mess up what is going so well. Have you talked to anyone who is losing a home because of the bait lending practices?
Not only did I quit my second full time job. After that, I held a Real Estate license for 2 years and worked in Scottsdale AZ . I sold 1 house for 500,000 and I actually tried to talk them out of the purchase just like I did for my other 9 buyer clients. Because I saw the patterns of greed. It doesn't make sense to give someone an ARM loan when you can sign them up for a regular fixed rate loan at a higher rate. At least the payment is fixed and people wouldn't default when their house payment balloons. But see, that is what Republicans want when they say deregulate. They do not want government from stepping in and stopping their abuse. I see it all around me. These corporations that you are fighting for are the same companies that are literally in bed with Oil Company reps.
Look at Bank of America. Not only were the strong enough not to need a bailout, they actually bought out another bank. And now look at what they are doing. Rewriting the loans so they make sense. And the CEO makes a nice 25 million compared to the 200 million these other dummies made sinking a business... SEE HOME DEPOT.
I produce Hip Hop for a living.
All this hate you have for Obama... but where is it for the President who brought us here? Obama isn't even in office yet and you want to place blame on his shoulders. It is hilarious to me.
You have so much love for Palin and hate Obama. What did Palin offer our Country that Obama didn't?
Yeah... in 4 years. I know where to find you. I will apologize for doubting you infinite wisdom.... or maybe not....
Time will tell.
This Hip Hop reference was for Dave since in my last post, he told me to leave politics to "THINKING" people and I should stick to hip hop.
On Russia:
Content to let Georgia suffer? This is what I mean by warped views. If you have 2 wars going on, you don't start a 3rd one. He was being cautious. not a bad trait to have for a President.
On Corporations and greed:
It might not work for you but it works for me and my Dad right in Phoenix AZ. After 23 years in the Air Force, he gets a job with Home Depot in their Electrical Department. What happens? The CEO makes millions raping the company in stock options. He lays off half the staff to pump up the profit margin, then turns around and sells his stocks and doesn't even show up to the next stock share holder meeting because he knows what he did was criminal. The company stock takes a dive because the no longer have a decent workforce to help drive the company. My HARD WORKING Father and thousands of others get laid off in the path of greed.
I worked for the same company for 10 years straight. And during that period I even picked up a second full time job for a year and 4 months exactly. I quite my second job the day I filed for taxes. SO to assume that Obama supporters are lazy is insulting and makes anti-Obama people look ignorant.
And I'll say it one more time. The company I worked for screwed hard working Americans for greed and profit and this os happening on a mass scale and that is what is killing out country.
1% of our populations has over 90% of the money in our economy. How does this make any sense?
All I am saying is... GIVE ME A GOOD REASON TO VOTE FOR McCain/Palin.
McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time. He says it himself. Every argument made against Obama can be used against McCain and 10 times over against Palin. If Obama is as messed up as you guys think, why hasn't the CIA or FBI come up with any dirt on him?
"Things like him saying his proposals will bankrupt Coal Fired Power Plants does not help my willing to like him. around 50% of America is using Coal for power."
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? This is what I am talking about right here. Do some homework man. McCain's people were quoted saying the exact same thing in 2005. Watch a little more Daily Show. They showed the actual clip of his top advisor saying McCain's own plan will bankrupt the coal Plants. And, is you dig a little further, you would learn that Obama's plan bankrupts coal plants if they do not start using clean coal technology. They would get heavily taxed for their huge carbon imprint. So Obama is not out to get Coal Plants.... if the use clean coal technology, they are fine.
Again, you guys attack Obama but tell me how McCain was gonna fix things. You can't because he had no proposal to do so.
Your hate has warped your perception. He never said he was gonna just "talk" to our enemies. But he believes in Diplomacy. And even McCain realized that during the Russia/Georgia problem. With our military already stretched, it would not have been a good idea to go to war with Russia. We turned to the United Nations and found other ways to handle enemies without war. Like financial sanctions. And even McCain admitted that....
"I hope he really can make money magically appear to pay for his ridiculous health care plan." - ROB
Because healthcare is already awesome and McCain's $5000 credit for a $12,000 a year plan was a better idea right?
"Yeah, he should live up to his promises of more and better paying jobs for americans in a declining economy when he decides to ax the living hell out of the business owners and the global corporations." - ROB
Corporations get a tax break for outsourcing jobs. So not only do they save money but paying someone overseas $10,000 instead of paying an American $35,000, the government gives them a tax break for doing it. So the government, in essence, paid the company to fire you. And we Americans, continue to support those companies.... how does that make sense. Obama is talking about stopping the bleeding.
"Yep if he can do all of that he really will live up to the glorious hero from fairy tales that you have convinced yourself that he is." - ROB
This is what I am talking about. Unnecessary. Insults. But I understand. I guess I threw an insult at you so I deserve one back. But I never thought of him as a glorious hero from a fairy tale. I thought of him as a man who recognizes we have problems we all need to come together to fix them as a nation. McCain didn't even want to admit there was a problem. And if I am a fool for that...
CALL ME A FOOL. I am the biggest, dumbest fool in the world. And I am fine with that....
Thank you Lambic. This is what I don't get about Obama haters. He at least communicates the idea that he WANTS TO FIX this together. What did McCain and Palin have? Insults. And what do all the naysayers have right now in this forum thread? Just negativity. No offered solutions. Just doom and gloom. All this hate for Obama and what he is gonna do wrong. Where is the anger at Bush for where he has lead us to up to this point?
This is the part where I thank Amidala.
For giving and educated opposing argument instead of insults, fear and hate. You have clear reasons that make sense as to why you don't like Obama. But... my question to all Obama haters is... what was McCain and Palin going to do to improve America's situation?
For saying what I have been trying to say for years. And for saying it in a short paragraph instead of the huge novel I wrote last time in the Palin As President blog entree.
I got laid off at a company during the year they made RECORD profit. Why? Because tax breaks gave them incentive to and they were cooking the books to rip off another company in the process. When Valassis found out they filed a lawsuit and reversed the layoff because it was a huge mistake. I left the company anyway to start my own business because corporations don't owe you anything.
Your scared of paying welfare but you are getting a Corporate bailout get shoved down your throat..... what a joke.
Rob Sanderson = Slave to Corporate Greed.
The country is divided half and half. And in 4 years, there will be egg on your face because Obama delivers what he promises. Or egg on my face for believing in him and America. But I will own up to the egg on my face if he fails. I doubt any Obama haters have the steel to own up to their hate when he comes through and proves them wrong.
I DON"T KNOW HOW YOU HEARD McCAIN's speech and Obama's speech and still think Obama is an idiot and he will hurt this country more than anyone else has....
But hey.... continue "thinking" while I stick to my "Hip Hop".