At my work desk, I use a mouse. But at home, my PC is connected to a flat-screen TV that I view from the comfort of my recliner. A wireless keyboard on my lap, and a Logitech trackball parked on the armrest, make the perfect combo.
Three Russian guys admire another guy's car at a gas station. One offers to buy it, but the car's owner refuses. Dejected, they go to the Red Circle and drink champagne in the spa until they forget all about it. Eighty-four people and one dog live happily ever after.
So then this raises the question, is there more than one answer for any known value of m, where m is the number of iterations on the left side of the equation? In other words...
My favorite local breakfast place has this. At first I was pretty taken aback by it, it felt so presumptuous. Since I always tip a standard 20% anyway I just grit my teeth and hit the button. But since then we've grown to love the place and the staff, and they've been very good to us every time we've visited, so it's no longer a big deal.
n^2 + (n+1)^2 + ... + (n+m)^2 = (n+m+1)^2 + ... + (n+2m)^2
n^2 + (n+1)^2 + (n+2)^2 + (n+3)^2 = (n+4)^2 + (n+5)^2 + (n+6)^2
I would have no idea how to approach it. Somebody get Numberphile, or Mathologer, or Singing Banana on this!!!