The article regarding badass scientist #6 (Dr. John Paul Stapp) says that he decelerated from 120 mph to 0 mph in 1.4 seconds. I'm not a physicist but that seems like its a deceleration of approximately 38.3 m/s^2 (yes I did do the unit conversions). What I'm confused about is, isn't that only 38.3/9.8 = 4 Gs? The article talks about 18 or 35 Gs! So what am I doing wrong?
Actually, I would love to win the ignoble prize. Maybe more so than the Nobel. You make a contribution to science and yet you make a ton of people laugh.
Its hard to establish a clear cut breaking point. I'm certainly fed up as it is. But as SenorMysterioso said the price goes up gradually and even though people complain they still pay it.
I took the test and showed the same bias as the columnist. But I also shot two unarmed whites while I only shot one unarmed black. Very interesting test, although I know I'm not racist.
The article regarding badass scientist #6 (Dr. John Paul Stapp) says that he decelerated from 120 mph to 0 mph in 1.4 seconds. I'm not a physicist but that seems like its a deceleration of approximately 38.3 m/s^2 (yes I did do the unit conversions). What I'm confused about is, isn't that only 38.3/9.8 = 4 Gs? The article talks about 18 or 35 Gs! So what am I doing wrong?
Watch of choice: JLr7