Actually, what MrJawbones is describing is grapheme-color synesthesia, the most common kind. I have this. My name, Robin, is Red-white-red-white-red. Like a candy cane. My boyfriend's name is Karl. It's green with bits of gold in it. I don't see these colors in real life, just in my mind's eye.
If you nearly passed out after donating, you didn't have enough water before your appointment. Make sure you are well-fed and well-hydrated before you give. If you tend to have low iron, take a slow-release iron tablet daily. With orange juice.
Sugars are not only empty calories, they cause a spike in blood sugar (of course). Your body responds by releasing insulin, which brings the blood sugar down by converting it to glycogen. Keeping your blood sugar stable with small amounts of protein with each meal (I won't go into the role of glucagon) and replacing simple sugars with complex carbs will help you lose weight, feel full, and might improve your mood. Getting enough chromium helps, too.
I heard a story of "barbarian" member of the SCA going to a McDonald's. He ordered "Meat.". "Um, and how would you like that, sir?". "I'm civilized...COOK IT!"
James Randi made an excellent point. Watch the "pet psychic" at work. She always asks the owner what the pet's name is. Why doesn't she ask the animal? If there's one thing a dog knows, it's his own name.
Isn't it convenient that you can't ask your pet if what the "psychic" says is true? They're frauds.
Get a bug-proof mattress cover (Aller-zip - I got them on Ebay)for your mattress and boxspring, so that if you do get an infestation, you can attack them with a steamer and diatomaceaous earth. Take every precaution to avoid infestation. Some exterminators won't even do it, and you will be doing most of the work yourself, anyway. Part of the reason they spread so easily is that 30% of people don't react to their bites, so they don't know they have them.
I don't think there is anything funny about the practice of making the female survivors of war into sex slaves of the men who slaughtered their people. Oh, they got to mourn the deaths of their families for a whole month first? Well, that makes it OK, then. :/
I am convinced that someone messed with the Diebold machines to get people back to discussing the issue that the machines can be tampered with. It didn't work.
I battled these little bastards once. Get a Aller-zip mattress cover: they can't get in or out of it. If you get an infestation, get a "dry-steam" steamer like this one: They can't survive heat. It's cheaper than replacing everything you own.
<---working on her 11th gallon.
Isn't it convenient that you can't ask your pet if what the "psychic" says is true? They're frauds.