Winner: Winston Churchill Anyone else totally shocked that Frank Sinatra only has a flat stone with minimal details? I would have expected something much bigger from Ol' Blue Eyes.
Gary Cooper might have been good as Rhett however this is one of those films where any changes to the cast and it may not have been as good..I.e. The Wizard of Oz or The Godfather.
I think it's awesome that today's managers carry on the tradition and think other sports should follow suit. Who wouldn't want to see Bill Bilichik standing on the sidelines wearing full pads, helmet and jersey?
Anyone else totally shocked that Frank Sinatra only has a flat stone with minimal details? I would have expected something much bigger from Ol' Blue Eyes.
The non-deodorant ads demand is awesome...advertise all the cigarettes you want but let me see just one as for Right Guard and you're all fired!