I once worked in a programming office with an old-timer who was French Canadian. He would gesture with the hand holding his coffee-cup. Very enthusiastically. It was a standing joke to always leave a high-tide area around ol' Marc. Then he'd calm down and mumble about he never gets to drink much coffee, and go for another cup.
I don't know whether I should feel like a Neanderthal outcast for never having watched any of the things listed; or maybe I'm part of the social elite who disregards the Common/Popular in favor of the refined taste. Long live Andre Rieu!
Almost six minutes. This fellow has watched Mythbusters too many times: "First, I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna show you; Then I'm gonna show you what I have to show you; Then I'm gonna tell you what I just showed you." All he needs is a commercial between segments.Mind you, it's a nice effect and I'm glad he showed me.
One word we're hearing more often is 'Indigenous', which is a term from biology, meaning 'found naturally in the particular geographic location'. But it's being used to cover 'Indian' in Canada, and it works for 'Eskimo' as well. And on the evening news, when you hear it about 'black' people in Africa. Useful or not?
Two great inventions in Human history, that are pretty-well taken for granted today: Elevators and Air Conditioning. Try imagining a modern city today without either.
Is there a way to comment on the daily items on XKCD? I mean 'react in a positive way', as in Heap Praise, Offer Congratulations, or just Ha Ha Ha. I've been all around the site and haven't found a simple Comments place. But I'd like to.
Let us not forget The Population Explosion, which is a one-way trip to hell. Asimov's essays, written in the '60s and '70s, outlined just how much time we have before the entire Earth is shoulder-to-shoulder with starving, dying people all demanding equal rights.