And of course, if you can keep the characters going, then you have an intro to the next movie in the never-ending series. Even movies that seem to end up reasonably suddenly have a follow-up when Hollywood can't come up with a new idea.
Now: DO NOT patent these - make the plans available all over the world, have them built in places like the Phillipines that can use the income as well as the water.
You could sit in the evening and watch the moths and flies drifting in to the quiet area, then the bats come in to collect 'em. Dunno about closing up without starting your personal zoo.
The first year the show was on, they used to do a lot of their planning on a work-table, with a background of blueprints/diagrams of previous projects. I wrote in to the production company suggesting that they could auction those prints for a good cause, and I'd like to bid on some of them. No answer, nowt.