ArtW's Comments

Wow! When I first looked, I thought 'Red Green's looking good these days', then I saw it's really his cousin Avner. Fell upon hard times, I guess, having to eat the napkins.
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Just now reading 'Lucifer's Hammer', by Larry Niven. Written in 1977, it describes a 'visit' from a comet into our neighborhood, and the resulting effect on the world. Fascinating, and strangely predictive.
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We have visitors from 'south of the 49th' and they're always surprised and pleased by how polite they find Canadians. That's nice. Not so nice is when my family drives to Niagara Falls and goes across to the U.S., and we're irritated and bummed-out by how rude Americans are. Or is it only New York State?
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Animals communicate between species, too. My cat, Pepsi, will quietly creep out into the back-yard, and the birds cheeping in the trees will switch to a call that sounds like 'Chat! Chat!' Pepsi looks around, puts her head down, and sadly creeps back inside. She know they're talking about her.
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My lady-friend used to complain when she said something, and I'd reply with 'hmmm'. She thought that showed I wasn't really listening to what she was saying. So, I switched to 'HUA', which I learned from Al Pacino, means, in Marine slang, 'Heard, Understood, Accepted'. Stopped her from complaining, but without harmony.
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Back when Canadian coins were silver, there was a man at a gun-show who was selling necklace pendants made from quarters and dimes, that is, moose or the sailing-ship, inside the circular coin. He said each one took several hours with a tiny saw to complete. I bought my wife a moose, and she loved it, wore it for years.
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So... he was driving through an 'industrial estate', not a public road. And he was fined 80 bux for his 'crime' and also 115 bux in 'costs'? Some fancy legal system they got there.
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Also reminds me of the teenage Rock-n-Roll band who called themselves "To Be Announced", then wondered why they never developed any fan base. Their music was alright, but people didn't flock to their concerts.
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Wow... I wish I'd known this years ago. But beware - if you make the tea twice in a row, you are volunteering to become the tea-making doormat.
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