I used to be irritated about how long it took to actually leave a social event. And then I read about something called "The Irish Goodbye", or sometimes 'the Cat's goodbye'. Just shut up, turn away, and go. It works just like this:
Go and look up Heinlein's book The Menace from Earth - He built the story about using light gravity and large sealed craters to FLY on the Moon! Very realistic and well thought-out.
Oh! That was frustrating. I want the rest of the story - a second chapter -a movie - a series -whatever. Is there a book? If we ask politely, can we get the ending? Please?
When I was 62, the company I was working for lost one major client, so the staff had to be reduced. Because I'd been there long enough to get extended vacations, and was old enough to need occasional health-related time off, I was shuffled out the door. So, I started looking. One of the things you do is call up companies you've worked at before, because you know them well. I was talking to a fellow at one of those places, and I mentioned someone I'd worked with, and the personnel guy remembered him, and he asked how old I was (which they're not supposed to ask), and when I said sixty-two, he mumbled something like: "Geez, those are the guys we're getting rid of.", and then stuttered an apology. So, that's how I learned I was not unemployed, just retired.
I can agree with this article, and from experience. I was a 'smart' kid - the I-Q test I got at age 10 showed I was 136, or in the top 3% in intelligence. And my parents celebrated this, and my teachers celebrated this, and I ran through my school-days very easily. I learned math and science, history and social studies without a blink. And I became LAZY! After high-school, I found I'd never learned how to study, and U. of Waterloo was difficult. Eventually I dropped out in third year, and looked for work. Being smart isn't the answer. Parents and educators should praise Hard Work and progress, not intelligence.
If you can find a way to gather water and transport it to another planet (Star Trek transporter, maybe?) then the place to get it isn't Earth - it's Venus. From way too much to way too little would make both planets better, for our use. (And you could toss away all the other junk chemicals Venus is loaded with.)
A good mental exercise is to follow Science Fiction, as regards population of the Universe. Asimov, Clarke, Niven, good examples of the various points-of-view, all unified by the idea that Science can provide us with a way to get around, the key to actually goin' there!
Particularly enjoyed the facial expressions - when you compare in a beat-for-beat style, you realize that chickens DO have facial expressions. Like, who's imitating who?
So, do all cats speak the same 'language', so to speak? Or does each one make it up as he/she goes along? Can a French cat talk to an English cat? Is the language common enough? Are they really planning to take over the world? Or have they already?