Of course the lions don't know they're saying goodbye, but I would have been bawling my eyes out if I were lucky enough to be the recipient of such loving farewell hugs.
I've never really understood this animosity toward specifically people talking on cell phones in places where normal conversation between two people would be considered ok. I mean, churches, concerts etc I understand, there speaking in general is not polite, but why is it so horrible if people speak on the phone in buses or restaurants? Obviously if they speak very loudly that's annoying and disrespectful, but I feel that for some reason people's tolerance toward people speaking on cell phones is lower than toward two people speaking face-to-face. Is it because you can't hear the whole conversation?
Well yes, it is a turn away from a focus on Latin itself in general, but they're not suggesting any change in the system of Latin *plant names*. The Latin description of the species is a different thing than the species name itself.
But this is just a biologist's nitpicking, so take it or leave it :)
The headline here is a bit misleading. They are not changing the system of Latin plant names, but instead the way new species are described: "Scientists say plants will keep their double-barreled Latin names, but they have decided to drop the requirement that new species be described in the classical language."
So when a new plant species is found, the scientist will write a publication where he gives a regular Latin name to it and explains how this new species differs fron similar old species. This explanation part used to have to be in Latin, from July on it can be in English.
Not that I'm claiming this is much more than luck, but if you watch closely the 2nd shuffle (the one where the cat loses), the shell the cat "chose" is actually the one that originally had the pebbleorwhateveritwas underneath it. At 0:14 the shuffler slyly moves it under another shell, right before starting the shuffle. Easily missed, even by the most sharp-eyed of cats.
TomTom, yeah, that was what I was thinking too in the beginning - that the otter is displaying typical caged-animal behavior of repeatedly going back and forth along the same track. However, near the end it is obvious the otter is actually reacting to the child's movements. Glad I watched the whole thing!
Manticore: I can at least distinguish a chaffinch there (the most distinctive song heard for example at 0:20) - which would btw most likely place the video to Europe or western Asia, so low to no risk of malaria or dengue :) There might also be a blackbird, but not completely sure about that.
Mr. Chesthair - The D.U.C.K. signature is Don Rosa's trademark - it means "Dedicated to Unca Carl [Barks] by Keno [Don Rosa]". The story goes that Disney artists weren't allowed to put a personal signature to their drawings, so Mr. Rosa had to hide the dedication. It is found in the first frame of most of his comics, often very well hidden though.
Ehm... echolocation? Really? Gotta say, I'm quite a bit sceptical about that. Dogs will bark for a number of reasons, and I'd say it's quite an assumption to suggest he's listening to the echo rather than listening to other sounds / navigating by smell. Nothing in the video itself at least seemed to really suggest echolocation.
That said, yay for the dog and owner, he's obviously very loved and well-kept.
The funny part of this is, this is totally true and has been happening for ages - not with cars, but with clothes, especially jeans. I still find it really funny that I've for example seen jeans sold with a piece of sandpaper so you can modify (i.e. destroy) them to your personal liking.
As they arrived at school, Timmy, being the only one without his eyesight blocked, pondered how to break the news to his friends that all of the other kids in their class had understood the acronym for today’s special dress-up event correctly as Appreciation Day for Today’s Patriots.
As they arrived at school, Timmy, being the only one without his eyesight blocked, pondered how to break the news to his friends that every other kid in their class had understood the acronym for today’s special dress-up event correctly as Appreciation Day for Today’s Patriots.
But this is just a biologist's nitpicking, so take it or leave it :)
So when a new plant species is found, the scientist will write a publication where he gives a regular Latin name to it and explains how this new species differs fron similar old species. This explanation part used to have to be in Latin, from July on it can be in English.
That said, yay for the dog and owner, he's obviously very loved and well-kept.
As they arrived at school, Timmy, being the only one without his eyesight blocked, pondered how to break the news to his friends that all of the other kids in their class had understood the acronym for today’s special dress-up event correctly as Appreciation Day for Today’s Patriots.