If the London Games were an old-school video game, they would not look like that. Completely ignoring the restrictions in terms of palette and amount of colors you can have on the screen at the same time, you simply cannot rotate pixels. You couldn't do it back in 8bit times, nor can you do it today. A pixel is square (or rectangular) and aligned perpendicularly to the sides of the monitor.
Indeed, and doing the Droste effect with your mouth is neither original and innovative. If I want to see people drawing "art" from photos there are so many better examples.
There wasn’t really anything left since the first filming of the homestead. It was rebuilt, as in built again, for the prequels. While this might be tugging at the heart strings of a lot of people, myself included, this structure has more in common with Jar Jar Binks than it does with Luke Skywalker.
No. There wasn't really anything left since the first filming of the homestead. It was rebuilt, as in built again, for the prequels. While this might be tugging at the heart strings of a lot of people, myself included, this structure has more in common with Jar Jar Binks than it does with Luke Skywalker.
Over 35 years after the filming? No, it was completely refurbished for filming of the prequels, so it's more like "over 10 years after the filming" if anything.
No, spilling requires three things, an object to be spilled, velocity and an object to spill upon. On earth spills usually occur on surfaces vertical to the ground, if we imagine a room as a box that is one surface out of six possible. In space, since there is no ground and no gravity, spills occur on six surfaces out of six possible.
You'd be amazed how dirty the international space station is, albeit not entirely because of spills but also other airborne particulate.
You'd be amazed how dirty the international space station is, albeit not entirely because of spills but also other airborne particulate.