No doubt 'she knew what she was doing' and no way she fell asleep, however, if the tattoo artist knew his stuff he wouldn't have inked her up like that either.
It is amazing how often people who dress the set for movies don't know how to properly set up a chess board. (Black square in the top right). It would be really cool to see an article on all the film scenes that got it wrong.
I have a physical 'allergic' reaction to the genie effect in OSX. The first thing i have to do when i do anything on some one's mac is turn genie effect off. Not sure what it is that does it, but it gives me shivers down my spine. (i find lots of things ugly but no other things bring out this reaction in me)
why reach back so far? "there is now no doubt that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction" would have been more current (though maybe some might find it a lot less funny).