Well Alicia, if it was to show reality in the U.S. it would have to show the woman divorcing her husband because of the noise, then having a very ugly custody war, loosing all their money to the divorce industry, and screwing up their kids heads.
I used cloth diapers and washed them myself. I do have a couple of friends who mostly use the no diaper method. It's only doable if you pay very close attention to the child. They would take him out and hold him over the rail so he could piss on the flower garden. He got to know what was expected of him, and he did it.
Well, they told me not to do it if there were any doubt whatsoever that I might ever want another child.
My friend's dad was getting a reversal and got an infection and died.
I think there may be another way to have another child. I think they can go into you with a needle and extract sperm and artificially inseminate with it, but that's probably very expensive too.
I did it after my second child. It didn't hurt, and I've never regretted it. I spent so much time with my kids, I don't know how I could have time for another one.
"If you can’t control your obnoxious little brats, leave them home." I would substitute the word teach for control.
I see a lot of every other weekend dads with their kids who barely know them. When they are out and about they usually end up just spending a lot of money on them because the courts and their moms don't let the dad have anything to do with raising them.
Check out the book "Taken into custody" by Stephen Baskerville. Subtitled "The war against fathers, marriage, and the family. It's a very well researched and well written book.
We should outlaw doctors being not much more than front men for big pharma. At least the illegal drugs aren't being "pushed" on people by someone they are supposed to trust. The drug lords are just supplying a demand that's there. Big pharma pushes their drugs hard.
There is a great 46 minute movie out called "Big Bucks, Big Pharma" It really is worth watching.
There was also the one where men were encouraged to go to the bar with no money and shake down smaller men for money for beer. I don't remember the brand.
There was another one which encouraged men to "go camping without a tent. Just take a case of Labbats blue and look for a woman with a tent.
"but at least they aren’t gunning people down in the streets"
Did you know that 100% of high school shooters were on prescription drugs? They try not to let you know that.
I would rather have a few capitalist trying to make an honest buck by providing an in demand product shooting each other, than have random kids shooting each other after taking a drug that some drug company had to convince their parents they wanted/needed.
We may as well stop trying to fight the importation of bad (untaxed) drugs. We are so doped up in this society that we think we have the right to drop bombs on anyone we don't like. (mostly really poor people) That may be a symptom of having a society walking around doped up on all the good (taxed) drugs.
"Solution = take away all their free money. I bet they would suddenly be able to work."
Or lose weight
I lived all spring, summer, and fall one year on almost nothing but oats, bulgar, and rice. I was very lean, and very healthy and it cost me almost nothing.
My friend's dad was getting a reversal and got an infection and died.
I think there may be another way to have another child. I think they can go into you with a needle and extract sperm and artificially inseminate with it, but that's probably very expensive too.
The big American Ponzi scheme is coming to an end.
I see a lot of every other weekend dads with their kids who barely know them. When they are out and about they usually end up just spending a lot of money on them because the courts and their moms don't let the dad have anything to do with raising them.
Check out the book "Taken into custody" by Stephen Baskerville. Subtitled "The war against fathers, marriage, and the family. It's a very well researched and well written book.
There is a great 46 minute movie out called "Big Bucks, Big Pharma" It really is worth watching.
There was another one which encouraged men to "go camping without a tent. Just take a case of Labbats blue and look for a woman with a tent.
Did you know that 100% of high school shooters were on prescription drugs? They try not to let you know that.
I would rather have a few capitalist trying to make an honest buck by providing an in demand product shooting each other, than have random kids shooting each other after taking a drug that some drug company had to convince their parents they wanted/needed.
We may as well stop trying to fight the importation of bad (untaxed) drugs. We are so doped up in this society that we think we have the right to drop bombs on anyone we don't like. (mostly really poor people) That may be a symptom of having a society walking around doped up on all the good (taxed) drugs.
I guess that's why it failed; it tried to be funny.
Or lose weight
I lived all spring, summer, and fall one year on almost nothing but oats, bulgar, and rice. I was very lean, and very healthy and it cost me almost nothing.