B.M.'s Comments

Only stupid people would even think of getting married. For one thing: it doesn't mean a thing, thanks to no fault divorce laws. I can see why a woman would want to do it. She can squeeze a kid out of some poor schmuck, then the man hating courts will force him to prove he isn't a pervert, and pay her all his money for the privilege of seeing his kids once every other weekend, while her new boy friend pushes them off in front of the T.V. while he helps spend the money.

Only rubes and chumps reproduce in the modern world. (and ghetto/trailer (Welfare) people)

Anyeone who would have a "Flintstones" wedding proves that only stupid people who make a joke of what ever tattered shreds of any semblance a dignified marriage, will get any attention in this pathetic, slightly above canine behaving society.
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Around the neighborhood where I work, 16 year old girls already have their first kid, and are provided with an apartment or house by our welfare nanny state. Their kids have grandparents who are only 32 years older than they are. They have about 6 half siblings, 42 half cousins, and no fathers that they have ever met.

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
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I haven't eaten meat in over 36 years. (I never liked it when I did eat it)

At age 52, I only weigh 8 pounds more than I did when I graduated from high school, and I haven't been to a doctor in about 20 years.

The only thing I use fast food joints for is the restrooms.
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The more unrealistic the attitude of the pet owner, the more money the vet can make off of them.

A .22 bullet only cost about 3 cents.

Throwing it in a pail of water, (like I did to a whole litter of kittens last spring) is free.
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More kids die from TV sets falling on them than any kind of gun deaths, that is, unless, like the anti-gun crowd, you count 19 year old young men who die in shoot outs over drugs, as "kids dieing from guns".

More kids die from being fat, TV watching, big mac eating slugs than from any kind of gun accidents.
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Do a google search if you want to know, just type in "Godwin's Law," or "Godwin's rule", and read all about it. Tell me what you think.
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Read "The Underground History of American Education" by New York City and State teacher of the year, John
Taylor Gatto; this won't seem so weird.
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