@Alisa and bradbury: How do we know what software they used? It could be very likely that this design company used something design specifically to do body or clothing touch-ups. A more specialized software might be more desirable to streamline what they do, or it might in all likely-hood be cheaper...
Well the question at the end is kind of moot, since they've been colorizing ever since they knew. Another interesting point is that I would not call what they did you this cartoon "colorizing." Colorizing being a process where they take original frames and add colors to them. this was clearly completely redrawn, they didn't just trace them, they redrew them. Making it in effect a new cartoon.
Actual colorizing I find almost always looks fake, especially in skin tone, and almost always ruins the intended artistry, the men and women who had to figure out exactly how different colours would be rendered on different types of black and white film.
If they are to do colour it shouldn't be done carelessly (like some sloppy 2D to 3D conversions,) If they would put as much or more attention into preserving the original artistry as the filmakers did, then I'm all for it. Unfortunatly most of what I see colorized today seems like a sloppy paint by numbers, where skin tones become flat, eyes become glossy and lighting and shadow go out the window.
@Azog: it should be more clearly noted exactly what an animatic is: An early stage in the animation process where the story board is taken off the board (in this case coloured) and film to give the film makers a sense of the movement.
This step would have been followed by the final animation, should look up "Gene Dietch" on youtube to see examples of how this might have looked finished.
But I agree whole heartedly, I don't know much about the book, but the extremely little I do know of tolkiens world tells me that this is horrible adaptation of his story. saying it's like a "fractured" fairytale, might be true in more ways than one.
WOW I totally forgot about Hershey's s'mores bar, I loved that candy! ... well obviously not enough to notice it disappearing from the shelves already... Mars better not drop peanut butter M&M's!
@anonymous coward: I can believe half of that theory, they probably introduced the new flavour to change from sugar to corn syrup. They probably didn't expect to go back on it (at least not for a considerable length of time)
and on a related note, who else would like to see Jello release "Retro" savory flavours? I think it's one bit of culinary history that needs more light...
I won't lie, I did feel better while watching that, but that still doesn't change the fact that I wouldn't call it one of the nicest places on the internet, creepy is a more apt word...
Is no one aware that they all watched Patch Adams!???? Obviously they were all in on the deal, the murder, and the car theft, Dimmick should win his law suit and then they all should go directly to jail, AND not allowed to pass go...
First they appear to be walking with the tempo of the music, and actually much of the shoot seems to match the beat as well
the main music beginning when the bag is put through the scanner. the music begins to end just as the scene begins to end.
if you'll watch closely it seemed as though most of the gun battle shots are all "instrumental" with the lyrics restarting when it switches to close-ups of the characters. Also little things little things like the pause in music at 1:25 seem to match up with the slow spot in the video.
These characteristics alone would make it incredible, but on top of this, the bits of matched dialog at 1:05, the "ratatat" sounds at 1:17 the lyrics mention taking "steps" after 1:30 almost in sync with action of her kicking, and there are numerous little sync-ups that happen like this all through out the video.
I was disappointed by the ending a little bit... All I can say is, were the film editors listening to this song while editing this???
Actual colorizing I find almost always looks fake, especially in skin tone, and almost always ruins the intended artistry, the men and women who had to figure out exactly how different colours would be rendered on different types of black and white film.
If they are to do colour it shouldn't be done carelessly (like some sloppy 2D to 3D conversions,) If they would put as much or more attention into preserving the original artistry as the filmakers did, then I'm all for it. Unfortunatly most of what I see colorized today seems like a sloppy paint by numbers, where skin tones become flat, eyes become glossy and lighting and shadow go out the window.
This step would have been followed by the final animation, should look up "Gene Dietch" on youtube to see examples of how this might have looked finished.
But I agree whole heartedly, I don't know much about the book, but the extremely little I do know of tolkiens world tells me that this is horrible adaptation of his story. saying it's like a "fractured" fairytale, might be true in more ways than one.
@anonymous coward: I can believe half of that theory, they probably introduced the new flavour to change from sugar to corn syrup. They probably didn't expect to go back on it (at least not for a considerable length of time)
and on a related note, who else would like to see Jello release "Retro" savory flavours? I think it's one bit of culinary history that needs more light...
I'd love to read the police report "suspect wanted for burglary. Property stolen: poop"
First they appear to be walking with the tempo of the music, and actually much of the shoot seems to match the beat as well
the main music beginning when the bag is put through the scanner. the music begins to end just as the scene begins to end.
if you'll watch closely it seemed as though most of the gun battle shots are all "instrumental" with the lyrics restarting when it switches to close-ups of the characters. Also little things little things like the pause in music at 1:25 seem to match up with the slow spot in the video.
These characteristics alone would make it incredible, but on top of this, the bits of matched dialog at 1:05, the "ratatat" sounds at 1:17 the lyrics mention taking "steps" after 1:30 almost in sync with action of her kicking, and there are numerous little sync-ups that happen like this all through out the video.
I was disappointed by the ending a little bit... All I can say is, were the film editors listening to this song while editing this???