The strangest class I took was about Dinosaurs in the Media. The class was incredibly easy and fun, even though the professor was a bit bristly. The only paper we had to write was to examine the portrayal of dinosaurs in the movie of our choice. I remember one day a researcher came and talked to us about his life's work - the toes of the tyrannosaurus rex. I think the takeaway was the idea that if you get into studying dinosaurs, you might end up spending your life studying the toes of one species. I think the professor was trying to deter competition in his field.
I used to walk around barefoot as much as possible until I got plantar fasciitis. The only thing that finally made it go away was wearing supportive sneakers ALL the time. I hate it. I still have to wear them most of the time. I say respect the homeowner. In my house people are free to go with or without, as long as I don't see footprints.
Nearly everything at Bath and Body Works is so fleeting I hate to like anything too much. Just earlier tonight I was looking for some soap I bought there 2 months ago. It's already gone.
I actually didn't like the Six Feet Under finale, but I think I'm on my own lonely little island on that one. It seemed like everyone loved it except me.
About 10 years ago I arrived at Oswald's grave at the end of a virtual geocache and I have wondered about Nick Beef ever since. I'm glad to finally know the story behind it.
I heart Yeti 2X
I Heart Yeti XXL