The El Bee En's Comments

Wow! Now I KNOW that I am in fact..."old." Except for the Joe Palooka and Milquetoast comics, I can recall reading the others in the Chicago Tribune, in a bygone era. To "seekshelter" I don't know if this is any help, but Al Capp, the creator of "L’il Abner" in his later years became quite conservative (read: Reactionary) in his political views, and used his comic strip as a means to give voice to his ideas, much like Garry Trudeau uses "Doonesbury" today (EVERYBODY CALM DOWN, I'M JUST MAKING AN OBSERVATION, NOT LOOKING FOR A FIGHT!) Al Capp and John Lennon had a memorable encounter when John and Yoko were conducting their famous "Bed-in" media event.( I would bet that if you searched You Tube: "John Lennon, Yoko Ono. Al Capp, Bed-in" you might pull it up. Am I really THAT old, that I remember reading Pogo, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, L’il Abner and Smokey Stover? Scary I lived this long!
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I dunno, I guess it's funny to see someone with a serious ailment. She suffers from a disorder called "Sleep Apena." Where's the clip of the person in one of those motorized wheelchairs that the control with using one finger? We could all get a big "Hardyharhar" out of that! Sorry, not funny not a "Cartoon" or "Comic" in my book.
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I once worked as a custodian in a school. There is no other way to vacuum a classroom. I was going to make some observation about people who have had real (sh__y)jobs and those that haven't...but why bother.
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Forgive me: I don't see it and I don't get the whole "Star Wars" thing, the first three movies were "Good" "Kinda good" and "Ok, I guess" but the whole rest of it begs the question, IMHO (relax, keep your shirts on) "Don't you have homework due tomorrow?"
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I agree with "Mr. Jones" instead of sending the PLA yo suppress us we use "legal" means like the Patriot act, and REAL ID. A side note: has the man who was either on his way to work, or going about his day-to-day business who confronted the row of tanks ever been identified? DOes anyone know what became of him. He is the original person to say "WTF, army guys, WTF!"
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If you've ever had a car actually stolen from a parking lot it's like you can't really understand what happened to it. "I left it here, I think,'s...gone!"
I HATE when that happens!
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