Similar to the side mirror, "Objects in the dashcam are closer than they appear". The van was in the wreckage by the time it stopped. Clearing the scene allows access for responders and affords some protection in those few critical seconds where traffic behind has yet come to a complete stop. You can see in the video the van parked on the right past the accident. No doubt she/he was late for work that day.
This is a medically prescribed device for home use by the patient. The device is worn similarly to a stethoscope. With the earpiece in place the trap is suspended in front of the patient's sternum. The patient is instructed on how to identify the sound of 'gnawed breastbone'; a precursor to emergence. Forewarned, the patient opens the trap and waits for the alien to poke her little head out. Entrapment complete, the device and its trapping are returned for proper disposal.
This is a section of old quarter inch sewer line which became clogged. It was replaced with a three inch line along with a new commode. So far, everything is flowing fine.
I thought this looked more like the opening credits for Napoleon Dynamite. It's too bad the rule-of-thirds wasn't broken with the bow on the box of chocolates.
Waiting for Alice s black
Waiting for Alice M black
Kamaji L natural
Green Eggs and Ham: 101 Ways To Get Rid of Your Little Brother
Mr. Pill Popper's Penguins
Winnie the Pooh Sniffer
Diet Pepsi- Large -Lots of ice.