This is actually a friend of a friend, both are in Alaska at the moment. There is a GoFundMe to help her get a new ride!
Alas, Batman did not have room on his utility belt for the quadruple Batarang zipline implementer, which allowed him to effectively connect the four corners of a downtown intersection via superstrong Batcable, much like Spiderman's web, but cooler, and with better dialogue.
In my house, we call this sunshine toast, and the best part is the cut out toast circle from the center! The only breakfast my kids and their friends ever request...
The children and the driver on that bus have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives. The kidnappers should have to live with it too. Two of them were Eagle Scouts, boys who had been taught right from wrong, boys who were taught to protect others. And yet they tormented those children, put them in harm's way! Let them stay in jail, where they belong. They didn't commit the crime on the spur of the moment, they planned for weeks...let them pay for their actions.
You had me at bacon med